

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Flower contact prints on fabric 布料上的花兒印染

Over the last long weekend I was filled with activities in the mountain and land as well by the sea.  While enjoying my outdoor hobbies I got inspired by the scenery and created my works quietly.  The pink flowers of Lagerstroemia Speciosa are blooming in our town.  The prints of the flowers have dominated my eco printing these days and can't resist to do more experiments when the flowers are at fingertips.  This is the natural contact prints I just done  with the plants collected in the outing.
This knit silk jersey was dyed and printed with the techniques learnt from Irit Dulman in Spain. Fabric is of tube width 22". So I made two sides in one off. The front is of full layout.
While the back is only on the bottom.
This shows the before & after prints.
Before you read more about the creation of this prints, I believe you're also interested in our scenery. Last Friday I went hiking on Lantau, the biggest island among 263 outlying islands in Hong Kong.
Along the trail views are stunning.  I passed under a big casaurina tree and got a few long and strong pines for printing.
The next early morning I went up the trail behind my apartment in order to get some weeds. The round building, once the tallest in our city is next to my block and I worked there for more than 25 years. Though among the high rises we're in the lush.
Sunday biking in the New Territories - my fav sport.
Along the cycling path with brilliant views of mountain and river

I stopped by the village where my school mates lived when we're small.
Still there are some typical houses, fusion of traditional and modern elements. 

I forwarded to the area where I spent my childhood in Shatin.
The route lined with eucalyptus trees. 
Cycling along with the fragrance of eucalyptus is pleasant.

On the way back I found many Lagerstroemia Speciosa blooming

The flowers triggered my experiments of printing 

Back home I sketched the layout after a scrap test with lac.

First off to dye the fabric in Lac bath

Then layout and boiled for an hour.
Opened it with delight as it's the first time I done with the crimson background.

The front and the back prints

Lagerstroemia Speciosa is always good for my experiments. This kind of "discharge" prints particularly nice with this flower.
I'm pleased with the outcome.  
I'm more than happy that many people find my works different. I must thank for the brilliant  teacher Irit Dulman's guidance and inspiration. Without her teaching I couldn't have developed my way of working.  
I really love the color and the prints. The piece will be made into wearable.

Before cutting it I rest it on the shore near my studio. Let the wave wash my mind and think about the design of garment. 

Indeed I've made one piece of Lac dyed and other of cochinael.  The latter with different layout, will show next.


  1. It works beautifully with the crimson background - what a treat! I think I would just put some shoulder seams in and leave it at that...

    1. My first try with crimson background. I'm pleased too.

  2. Hi Terriea! So lovely to see your lagerstroemia prints. The leaves and flowers we have as street trees here are rather small and don't really bloom well.. Your Hong Kong adventures are inspiring!...and I, too, have been dyeing with lac and cochineal...experiments!

    1. Ginny, thank you. There're two sorts of lagerstroemia here in Hong Kong. One is bigger flowers the other is very small. I do well with the big ones. Lac is new to me and I'm happy for the result.

  3. Fantastic photos! It was nice seeing some of your city and the inspiration you get from it. Your creations are beautiful too. I love the colours and the designs.

    1. We're lucky living in a tiny spot with lush and surrounded by water and undulating mountains.

  4. Your work is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing.
