

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Another teaching in Shanghai 又到上海教學

 Samples packed, tools packed.......  Yes, this batch is a few of the botanical imprinted samples with assorted leaves on wool, silk and linen as well the handy tools for my teaching in Jinze , outskirt ancient town of Shanghai for eco printing and wool felting workshops this week.
一切準備就緒, 植物移印染樣品及羊毛氈化工具, 甚至羊毛料也特別從英國訂購一同送去上海金澤古鎮教學, 這星期將會沈醉在典雅古樸的工藝坊與學生們研習創作, 沒有互聯網, 沒有臉書,靜待一周後, 回來再見......
 "Mum, make sure the wool is not overweight."
Some 20 kg of Finn and merino wool ordered from UK are shipped together as we wanted the best quality of wool for the students.
 Samples of wool felt purses, eco prints, and nuno felt wearable for the workshops.
 We'll immerse ourselves in the ancient campus of the Jinze Arts Centre........
a pretty venue with the waterway ........Will have no blog, no facebook and no internet for a week, until mid of next week.......
Thanks for stopping by.
I'll be back with updates,,,,,,, stay tuned.


  1. Have a wonderful, creative, inspiring week!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Catherine. I'm back now and will have new post to show.

  3. Awww Terrie, you have a safe and good trip and plenty of fun doing what you love to do with others who want to learn and share their love for this fabric art. Looking forward to seeing what you bring back to share with us.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Just back and glad that all my students found the workshop wonderful.

  4. Have a gret week..looks lie Mogi will have to stay home as the pink box is overflowing with wonderful materials!

    1. Haha.... Ginny the wonderful materials are left in Shanghai and lots were made into wonderful stuff. Will show you shortly.
