

Friday, July 24, 2015

Upcycled bag 復修袋子

Some people never care about what they have. Stuff are easy come, easy go.  However the earth is getting sick with lots waste disposal. I just like to make the tote bag and the chair (last post) longer life cycle ......

I've a friend who already have some beautiful bags and purses still treasures the small cotton tote bag I made for her years ago. It's washed out and worn out.  She doesn't want to dispose it.  I said let me do something to make it usable.
給友人的一個布袋子用久了已殘破, 但朋友不願就此扔掉, 我說讓我看看如何修復,  在破損處加點刺繡, 布畫上鮮明顏色,  車縫內裡, 這樣把袋子復修, 再可用耐些, 不隨便變了垃圾, 地球也健康些.
Before amended it, the acrylic painting faded out and holes on the bottom of both sides

I repainted the scenery with fresh acrylic

All the broken holes amended with french knots - that is the easy way for me to do these stitches
The small holes are amended with french knots in red thread then painted again
The other side are the same stitches on the holes

To make it stronger I lined the interior with my eco dyed scraps, sewed the inside pocket and a separate pouch..
Put the folded tote bag inside the pouch when the tote bag is not in use
A big tote bag carrying the mini one........ 

The "Before and After" look of side one
The "Before and After" look of side two
                          The upcycled tote bag of both sides.  This will be stronger and last longer. 

Poppies and country scenery are always my fav painting, on canvas, cotton tote bag or set of ceramic.  Just love the bright and cheerful red color.


  1. A great bit of repair and renewal!

    1. As always when I do the stitches I find it inspired by your works. Thanks Rachel.

  2. I love what you did to save the bag Terrie. I am a firm believer to re-purpose, reuse and to save what we can. This has become a throw away generation that always wants the "new" things in life. So sad because so many things are still useful. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers too. A friend of mine was kind to share 2 seed pods with me of her red poppies. The seeds are so tiny, smaller than black pepper. Smaller than the poppy seed used to decorate dinner rolls. I learned long ago that if you eat the store bought poppy seed to use in cooking and salad dressings, that you will test positive for drugs if doing the testing for a job. Good to know that. Thank you for coming to visit my blog even though it has been ages since I had time to post much news. I did post today. Hope you find time to come visit again.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Nice to hear from you Susanne. Waste not want not. Just do my bit to save the earth and make things life cycle longer. I will visit your blog shortly. Thank you for stopping by.
