

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Days in Europe - Old and new Bratislava 多瑙河畔新舊城區

Have been here in Bratislava for a few days and the brilliant weather allowed me to explore a lot the town from old to new.  I got to know the town on foot from the house passing by the Bratislava Castle to the historic centre and the walkway on the Danube river bank.
來到斯洛伐克天氣很好,和煦淸涼的可以自朋友家中度步往城中逛。從城堡往下眺望多瑙河至漫步河邊,遊走舊城石板步道到新發展的現代建築,Bratislava 沒有布拉格童話舊城的驚艷,但城中人很可親,本想重遊布拉格,但友人盛意邀請到匈牙利幾天,明早起行,這個又會是羊毛工藝小圈子活動了!
The dominant of the town Bratislava Castle overlooking the Danube river

St Martin's Gate is the landmark of the Old Town
Up from the Bratislava Castle overlooking the St Martin's Gate and Danube river
The Old Town bronze statue art pieces
The "Man at Work" statue 
This morning I crossed the bridge to have a view from the other side of Danube river.  The Bratislava Castle looks like an upturn table
A relaxing walkway on the bank to see both town views - the old and young.

Bratislava is a city with incredibly rich history with the other part of mordern buildings.

These days I have intensive views of the city and visited gallery.
The city is small. All historic sites are in walking distance. Almost everyday after a walk I spent some time in the coffee campus of a cozy book store. 
When I back to the host house, the view from my room was gorgeous. 
Tomorrow I will be heading to Hungary for a few days. Will be back again in Bratislava.


  1. It looks like a wonderful city to visit!

  2. You've had wonderful weather, and put Bratislava on my list of places to visit...!

    1. Yes! Rachel, the good weather even makes the beautiful views.
