

Monday, April 13, 2015

Days in Europe - Bratislava fun exploration 悠悠歐洲假期

My second day in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia was a brilliant start of my holiday with beautiful skies, sunny and cool.  During the weekend, my friends - the nice hosts took me to the Old Town, the highly interesting Central European locality for its history, architecture, culture and arts.
我在歐洲的假期悠悠閒的與斯洛伐克東道主友人逛逛舊城,走上山林, 在家中與小女孩製作羊毛氈,這祇是假期剛開始的活動,來日會探索多瑙河隣近城鎮的風貌。
We explored through the gates.....

Bratislava is 8,696 km from my city Hong Kong

Though it's April, spring in Europe, tree branches of bare leaves are simply a nice backdrop of the town.

We strolled along the markets, souvenirs shops and gifts stalls.....

All the pretty little things are impressive

The artist's so nice for a chat with us. 

After a walk, we stopped in a spacious book cafe. Enjoyed so much the rich hot chocolate.

Then our steps forwarded to the hill - Koliba, where the TV tower located and a site for sorts of outdoor activities.

It's Sunday, a day for grocery shopping.  Sweetie showed me how to do the self shopping.

Holiday for spots exploration, also fun for the wool felt making. I showed Layla and her mum Zeinab the making of nuno felt dress and a 3D treasure box.

With the little hands making, a box of textural lid and nuno felted dress are made.

Sweetie's favourite colors are blue, turquoise, purple........

So what she made these days are all in those color tones, no matter a hair band, a dress or a box.

Bratislava is a town with fascinating sites of culture, architecture, history and gorgeous scenery. Surely I will explore in the coming days along the Danube River.........


  1. The blue sky makes a wonderful backdrop for all those bare branches - and they won't be that way for much longer, now...

    1. Yes Rachel. Spring has sprung here in Bratislava. Green fresh is coming up.

  2. I'm certainly enjoying your travels. Thank you so much for sharing your photos.

    1. Thank you Dawn for stopping by and glad to share.

  3. Lovely photos.. looks like you had a wonderful time :) x
