

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Two-hole piece multi-styled wearable 簡易百搭被肩背心

 Following my last post of a two-armhole scarf, I'm really into the simple making with nuno felt and made a few.
A flat sheet of fabric with little wool fleece......
天氣漸涼, 絲巾加點羊毛, 不太 "沉重", 開兩個洞成為百搭被肩背心, 這幾件是近日的製作, 不同布料的效果, 都是輕巧飄逸.
 I turned it into a vest of styles - bottom with texture raw fleece
 Turn it upside down, a collar with wool
 The bottom of the back with wool fleece, the front is a soft draping
 This is not my design.  There're many styles of two-hole scarf wearable but it just hit my bell to do the nuno felt, simply without thread or needle and warm in the cool days.
For the sample of this style I used the ready made viscose long scarf. (38" x 72")  I cut off the corners to make it round, cut the arm holes then sealed with merino wool, the bottom part laid some Teeswater fleece and merino wool, all the round edge sealed with wool.  That's it.

I've made a few pieces with different patterns as giveaways for good friends.

 This black & white of branches & birds.  Airy and light I like most.
 The back look 
                                                                                     The front with a tie knot simply an outfit
 A scarf wrap around

This piece is more fall theme of yellow with tree branches

 Also multi-styles - back & front .   Tied with a wool felt brooch simply an outfit
 This gorgette silk I printed with euc and Lagerstroemia Indica (紫薇) collected in my area
 Palette of autumn leaves
 I walked in the area where I picked this Lagerstroemia Indica leaves
                       I also made it into a nuno felt scarf / vest

Well, these are the simple nuno felt wearable recently made. Still keen on experimenting different eco prints 
With the scraps cut from the scarfs, I played with textural surface and 3D making.  This object just done. Mogi is very curious about it.  What's it? Stay tuned, will post details next.
If you're interested you'll find more in my facebook page.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party


  1. An intriguing series of experiments, indeed!

  2. Wszystkie są piękne, ale szczególnie podoba mi się czarno- biały.
    Kiciuś pięknie rękodzielniczy.

  3. They're beautiful Terrie! The black and white one is my favourite too :)

    1. Thank you Deborah. That black & white the simply lines of branches are just fine
