

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wool felt boots making 羊毛氈靴子

With cooler days approaching, wool felting is fun to play. I just made a pair of stylish wool felted boots with textures.
天氣漸涼, 我的羊毛狂熱又回來了, 對原羊毛尤甚喜好,
用以做一對自己合穿的靴子, 這個冬天不太冷!

On the surface I used some wild fleece locks.

 Intentionally made it a few styles, fold back to make the short boots.
 Put on the wild fleece leg warmers, make it long boots.  My last post of let warmer making.
 To make this pair of boots textures, I used the my eco printed silk scraps inside.
 Outside with Finn wool,and the wild fleece. I can't remember what sort of wool I ordered years ago. It's so soft.  The pair is made with one template and cut into two.  
 A style of short boots
 Fold back to show the inside textures that's the style I wanted.
 I used the shoe block to shape it fit into my size. My first trial of outdoor shoes.  Quite good to work with shoe blocks. 
This winter I'm warm enough
A pair of wool felt boots of three styles.


  1. Warm and cosy for the colder weather!

  2. They are lovely Terrie - perfect for the winter!
    How did you attach you soles? I brought some similar rubber soles to sew on, but they don't have holes for stitching.. and I haven't gotten around to punching them yet. I have a feeling seeing your boots in all their glory will inspire me to 'get on with it' lol

    1. Thank you Deborah. The soles are the newly bought slippers I peeled off from. It fits well by strong glue then I stitched a few in the middle through the tiny punch holes I made. As there're "valley" on the bottom of the soles the strings will not touch the ground surface. Hope you got my drift. Your booties are chic I love very much.

    2. Good idea! It didn't occur to me to remove the soles off a pair of new shoes to use.. I'll bear it in mind in future.

      The ones I brought have a low ridge around which comes up the sides a little so you can sew them.. I don't really want to use glue, I'm going to try just stitching..... when I get round to it :) Thanks for the boot compliment :)

  3. You make it sound do easy to make but I am sure it takes patience, skill and creativity. They are absolutely gorgeous! What are you going to ma

    1. It's easy but using a shoe last greatly help shaping. It takes energy indeed. I can use Mogi's hair if I desire. It's so soft. Wish Vespina is in good form now.

  4. What are you going to make for Moggy?
