

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Inspired and get inspired 靈感泉源

A botanical printed tote bag enhanced with clear outlines. 
 Special for someone who inspired me to paint the scenery with roaming cows. 
我的學生都是滿有愛心, 愛護大自然, 喜愛動物,  這日的學生有生態學愛好者, 對牛牛保育積極無私, 她的愛心觸動我植物印染牛群畫意及做了這個布袋.

 Almost all my students are nature lovers and care about environments.  This day two of them joined my home studio botanical printing.   They made the beautiful printed scarfs even distracted by Mogi.  They got the idea of natural prints and I got inspired by the artistic students.  
 This fluffy loves cuddling while the bundles are in the boiling
 2 hours later silk scarf floating with assorted euc leaves and little pines
 Lightly around in a breezy summer day. 
 I know one of my students is enthusiast of bio-ecology who contributes in protection of roaming cows on our outlying islands. That hit my bell to make leaves prints of cows. I cut the shapes of cows and put on assorted euc leaves for bundle boiling. 
The outlines are not that clear.  Inspired by blogger Agy and my friend Melinda who mentioned about fabric writing pens.  I used the laundry washable permanent marker to draw the outlines. 
 It's clear now.
 The bag with two-sided prints
 A one-of-a-kind tote bag I gave to the person who contributes greatly in our bio-ecology to save the cows.  
Thanks to my students and friends who inspired my creation.
Linking with AdoredFromAbove Party


  1. How very successful - well done - you are extending the techniques you use with every project!

  2. The outlines just add another dimension to your beautiful printing, Terrie. A truly beautiful bag!!!

  3. I really love how the bags turned out! Gorgeous!

    1. Indeed you inspire me and your blog is of brilliant ideas. Big thanks.

  4. Thank you for sharing your creations and the process you use to create them! I have been on a journey to create my own eco-printed pieces and your blog posts have been extremely valuable to me while figuring out this process! :) I am getting better at it, as practice makes perfect! Thank you again for sharing your creativity and knowledge! :) :)

    1. Thank you. We always get inspired by students. Thank you for stopping by

  5. The bag turned out cute. Everyone should be concerned to protect the environment. I have recycled for many years. It is a habit with me and I know it is good for the earth and future generations. Love cows too. I do not drink cows milk anymore. I drink almond milk which is so much better for you and far less calories.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  6. This came out so great. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above
