

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Eco print on wool shawl 羊毛絨布植物印染

After completion of rows of projects, I told myself time for a break and have to put aside the eco print / dye stuff.  Somehow another workshop of eco print is on it's way. Life is of challenge and inspiration.  My plate is full. Can't complain.  Also these days I found Loropetalum Chinense (紅衫木) is a good print. I took from stash a wool fabric bought last year and made some prints....... 

一浪接一浪, 剛完成為時裝設計師的布料創作及外地客戶的特定印制. 本想歇一歇, 再上路, 準備月底的歐洲行腳 , 然.... 不能抗拒又為來周的學生工作坊預備. 
 同時繼續嘗試, 用簡約線條在羊毛絨布上洒上點點紅, 點點綠......
I cut diagonal the fabric to make a shawl (seems Mogi doesn't allow me to cut!  He finds it so soft.)
 Put some casaurina, euc silver dollar and a little Lagerstroemia Indica ( 紫薇)
Layout mainly on the front bottom.  This wool fabric is soft but a bigger bundle.  After 3 hours boiling.  Here came the prints. 
Loropetalum Chinense is a bit purple while euc silver dollar is of bright red.
Back of the shawl, same tone of pattern.
Loropetalum Chinense (紅衫木)  and a few green Lagerstroemia Indica (紫薇)

Simple wrap look
Multi styles
No more no less, the way I printed with few lines of casaurina and a little euc plus Lagerstroemia Indica green as well purple of Loropetalum Chinense.

These days I do not have new lists on my shop ETSY since will be away for a 3-week vacation and interaction.  Next legs are England, Tuscany and Amsterdam.  Anticipating to meet some friends and artists.  Thrilled for it.


  1. love the Loropetalum Chinense, it complement well with euca

  2. Beautiful shawl, the colors are so brilliant and pleasing.

  3. Have a good break and enjoy our Fair Isles when you come. Beautiful shawl.

  4. Enjoy your break - the shawl has turned out beautifully!

    1. Thanks Rachel. Will think of you when I'm close to your country.

  5. Have always wanted to go to England and Tuscany, never thought to go to Amsterdam. Was born in Germany and never thought to go their either, lol, but when my husband was alive he wanted to go there. Too much going on in my life to go anywhere but here at home. Enjoy your trip, be safe. Your shawl is lovely with the new eco print leaves.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

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