

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eco prints on paper 紙張植物印染

I keen on experimenting different paper prints. Here are a few of the outcome
 Just grasped the paper index dividers which I do not need for my box file. Prints of the top image is not bad.
 My friend Zeinad gave me a few delicate handmade papers from India with sort of hair, may be horse hair? Prints with euc and rose leaves are quite impressed.
 Rose leaf never made me disappointed.

 Even on a recycled music paper from my girl is very strong.

 Left is a used paper envelope, right is the paper index divider

 My way of making paper prints is easy with my handy tools.
 I stacked a batch of paper with leaves sandwiched. Tied tightly with the racks (a simple aluminum steaming rack common in Chinese cooking). That's exactly the size of my used rice cooker (use the old one that will never used for cooking meal !). Boiled for an hour, here it comes.......
 I made some papers with different prints, always have  approved by this brat !
 An artbook with eco prints of  paper and silk fabric together with nuno felted cover with own made ceramic buttons.  Thought this is my "signature" artbook with the crafty ideas I've made so far .  

"Mum, you need to fine tune or crop it."
"Yes, Mogi , the making of artbook is to follow......"
Until next time.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party


  1. You have some very good experiments here!

  2. your posts are always inspiring and wonderful....cant wait to meet Moji

    1. Mogi and I are expecting you, my far away and nice friend.

  3. Beautiful prints! I really love the print on music paper..

  4. I love the cover of the artbook. It's beautiful . . . as all of your creations are.

    1. Thank you Amy. I haven't heard from you long and you've no mention in blog recently. Glad to hear from you again.

  5. beautifull prints and inspirational as usual, thank you Terria

  6. Really pretty......did you use an iron mordant to get such strong outlines Terri.

    1. Ues Eliene, leaves have iron mordant thus strong outlines.

  7. Hello Terriea, Wow your Nuno Felted Cover is gorgeous.. Such wonderful Eco Printed papers too. Avery inspirational post. I always love seeing your creations. Hugs judy
