

Sunday, June 22, 2014

One-on-one wool felt purse teaching 羊毛手袋製作教授

 Into hot summer but still I have enthusiastic student wanted to learn the wool felt purse making. If time allows I'd like to do one-on-one teaching of wool stuff.  This double-flap shoulder bag with 3D nuno felt flowers and inner pocket all made in one piece done by my student J. I enjoyed personal workshop as I can concentrate on her work and have a nice interaction not only about wool felt, we chatted about our 4-legged pals. 
雨下的星期天. 熱衷手工藝的學生 J 來單獨跟我學做羊毛手袋, 輕鬆的幾小時她完成了這個風格手袋.

 After layered the enclosed resist......
decorated with my logwood dyed silk strips and ramie.
Such concentrated student (s).... or he - Mogi, the observer....
" Curious Mogi, what do you think?"
Final embellished with logwood dyed silk scraps and silk hankies.

Do the rubbing and rolling....

 After some time of "rock n' roll", cut along the top edge for the flaps opening. 
Some more rubbing, fulling.......
 The finished purse with two flaps, 3D nuno felt flower and the one piece strap handle.
 Well done J and Mogi.  You're on time and made the beautiful one-of-a-kind purse.
Thanks for coming J. You made the nice purse with your creativity of flowers.
A wool felt shoulder bag for the coming autumn.


  1. Hello Terrie! J made the most lovely purse on your wonderful and talented teacher under the watchful eye of Mogi. Smile hugs judy

  2. Lovely indeed - and I'm suer Mogi's supervision was helpful...!

    1. Mogi is such curious brat and keeps us company.

  3. Awesome purse and design. I have not been checking blogs in couple weeks because I have been so busy. I need to go back and see what you, my friend have been up to. Hope all is well. Have a good week.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, thank you for stopping by in your busy schedule. You're always in my thought.

  4. She made a gorgeous felt handbag with you're guidance! The flowers on the purse flap add so much to the pretty design.
