

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Pine imprints collection and conclusion 針松印染

Since returned from Irit Dulman's workshp of Casaurina (馬尾松) imprints for 2 weeks,  almost everyday Ive been doing experiments with our local pines. Now that I find my conclusion on different fabrics for my own ref. 
這兩星期做了一系列的針松印染實驗, 本地的馬尾松條子不什粗大 , 印在絲料上不大實色, 但在羊毛呢絨上很清晰, 可印出簡潔色調, 日後我會做更多研究.
The coat I made in Israel fits me and my daughter.  Yesterday we're supposed to take outdoor shots.  I like the vivid green or beach shots with my creations.  Too bad it's raining.  No way just took a few in the corner of my urban apartment.

Casaurina pines of Israel are very strong, bold and longer.  The layout on the coat is prefect.  No doubt it's under brilliant Irit Dulman's guidance.  It suits my girl well.

This was also done in Israel. Prints on silk jersey drapes well.
 This is also done in Israel with Casaurina and Camomile on silk jersey.
Found our local Casaurina, I tried silk fabric with Camomile from Israel. Pine lines only soft but good that Camomile gave sharp yellow (last blog post of making)
(Regionalism please excuse me, I brought only a few sample for experiment!) 

This is silk chiffon, I laid pines, overlap bundled and boiled in dye pot with turmeric. Looks too much for the overlapped prints.

Still good for styles

This is silk chiffon, I laid little pines, bundled and boiled in dye pot with logwood chips. Of last experiment of overlapped prints, I can control to put only little pines and leave blank and clean.
(last blog post of making)
It's a 2-yd silk chiffon,  ways of wrapping.
Well, less is more, I just laid very little pines on the "boiled wool" with few bits of euc. (last blog post of making) 
Simply a wrap...
or wrap it a skirt.
Of all the fabrics with pines I love most on boiled wool.
I bought a cotton top less than 1 euro, put two large Castor leaves with a few pines and little onion skins, boiled in logwood dye pot.
Leaves and pines are bold but onion brown not much on cotton
I tried pines on wool felt.  Made a purse with Finn and Icelandic fleece.
Pines on wool felt are not as sharp as on "boiled wool" but still visible.
The day I strolled along the promenade of Tel Aviv, I picked a few stones on the beach .  I made a zipper chain with a stone as embellishment.

Intended to make a face but the pines are not strong.

Another experiments with a kind of unknown leaves and a few pines on silk.  
I made a tote bag with my handmade ceramic button.

Another tote bag with assorted euc leaves and a few banyan tree air root. This is not related to pines but found banyan tree air roots may have lines effect with iron mordant.

The cotton T formerly dyed in onion pot with assorted euc and rose leaves but not visible.  Redone with a few pines and two Castor leaves to bring out grey pattern.  My daughter said the T color is urgly just like a site worker's T, too muddy (好似泥工件衫喎!).  

I put her another one, I said this one is hand stitched by granny.  She's surprised and said it's pretty.  Indeed this is the second blouse my mother hand stitched.

Last year I gave my mother a cotton fabric with my natural prints and asked her to cut it a T shape then running stitches along both waist lines and shoulders.  She made it and I finally sewed by machine and lined the necklace and arms.  That's simple for me but my mother is 85 years old.  She always said she's no use but I console her she's still mighty.
This is the blouse my mother made and my daughter showed in style. 

Mother and daughter, we both dressed the blouses my mother made.  
My conclusion of our local pine prints on fabrics is best for "boiled wool" and silk jersey. For my own making of this series I usually do not have mordant on fabrics but pine leaves are iron mordant and placed on damp fabrics.  An hour boiling is more than enough.

When my girl was little I used to make her dresses but my mother seldom made for me. 
 Now I'm old she made me. I'll cherish it.
The three generations demo in natural prints.

My facebook page new readers please feel free to browse.

This video Irit Dulman reveals her secret of Casaurina prints is amazing. Thanks for her generosity of sharing.


  1. Beautiful Terriea, I love the way you have included your Mum and Daughter <3
    Thank you for taking the time to post these images and information, love, Marilyn xx

    1. Thanks Marilyn, always love to share. My girl and mum contribute lots in my creation.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your experiments in eco prints. It is so inspiring! I especially love the personal stories you recite, it makes it all the more exciting to read. It is so endearing to read about your mom's sewing contribution to the project and your daughter's review of colors :)

    1. Thanks Anne, doing something with loved ones is way of communication and interaction.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. The designs are so stylish, and I love how 3 generations have come together to create lovely garments.

  4. Especially good to have all three generations involved!

  5. Hello Terriea, I truly enjoy seeing all your wonderful design creations. Very beautiful indeed. I especially like the purple or lavender colors you get with the logwood dye. How lovely your Mother sewed tops for you and your daughter. The tops look super great on you both. Three generations working together, very special Terriea. Hugs Judy

    1. Thanks Judy, I like lavender and the purple is intended. Love to get involve with mum who's aged. We walk along the river, the bush to pick leaves. Cherish the moments.

  6. Oh wow! What a wonderful adventure..following all these experiments.. an intergenerational series of experiments and loving seeing all of your mixes and matches! I think you and Irit have started us addicted eco-printers and dyers on a Casuarina search..

    1. Thank you Ginny, Irit is the frontier. I especially thank for her generosity and inspiration. It's endless Casaurina printing.

  7. What a wonderful bunch of pictures you have shared. Your daughter makes the perfect model, she is lovely as her mum. Your eco prints are always pretty.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  8. What beautiful T-Shirts. Your mother is amazing that she made your daughters at 85 years of age . My mother says the same thing as your mother that she is unable to do anything. I have a lovely quilt that she made me about 15 years ago and I will cherish it the rest of my life, as you and your daughter will cherish your t-shirts. What a lovely remembrance of beautiful pieces created together.

    1. Thank you Linda. I can see how you cherish every touch of the quilt you mother made. It is a wonderful present for life long.

  9. Wow that coat is stunning! Beautiful work!

    1. Thank you. it's a beautiful design by Irit Dulman.

  10. Complimenti davvero, volevo chiederti se vendevi anche qualche capo.

  11. 感謝老師的分享,請問老師是否有出版 花葉移印手作書籍。

    1. 謝謝你, 這裡是我的教材https://www.etsy.com/hk-en/listing/517079092/instant-download-e-book-pdf-enhanced?ref=shop_home_feat_2

    2. 你可給我電郵 terrieakwong@gmail.com 通訊
