

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Another pine imprints 又是針葉印染

To my surprise, the pine imprints on the "boiled wool" is amazing. 
Ever since I returned from Irit Dulman's workshop I almost addicted to pine prints. However not all pines are doable.  The other day I strolled with my mother in her area I found a pine tree growing in the crack of the river bank, I picked a little as well some other unknown leaves and a little cypress for experiment.
There're lots of pine trees in Hong Kong but some are too tall to pick, this one is small and easy to reach.

When I back home, couldn't wait to test the leaves.  I've no idea of this bush that gives bold and strong prints.  Believe it's rich in tannin.

I made a small piece sample test on "boiled wool" with the pines and the "unknown leaves" .

Also test on a silk fabric.  Outcome on silk is good but the yellow flowers got no color.

 For the "boiled wool", it's bold and strong.   The dark shades are due to overlap rolling. 

Here are the silk fabrics mirror prints, the middle one is the "boiled wool" .
Alright I can make bigger prints after the positive testing of the pines.

I cut a piece of "boiled wool" size 26" x 50".
The "Before and After" picture.  
I put some pines, scattered a little bits of euc silver dollar to make some red spots, a few cypress and that unknown leaves.
Close up of the "Before and After"

Cypress is clear on wool, that's to my surprise.  I tried before on silk it's not so delicate.

Cypress is my another fav now

After an hour boiling in clear water, the wool came out perfect prints.

Mogi approves it.

So just a few pine leaves, a few green leaves and bits of euc silver dollar, I made a fabric of my own pattern. Be it a skirt or a wrap, it's my style. 

For the test on the silk, I sewed a tote bag with my own made ceramic as closer embellishment.

I'm happy for the leisure time of doing all sorts of experiment, cherish the time with my mother strolling along the river bank, I showed her the kind of leaves may work for my botanical prints.  After the walk we have a cappu.

"How delighted mum is !!  Mum will show more her pine pattern fashion demo by her exclusive model after the long weekend."

"Have a nice long holiday !!!"


  1. So excited to hear how the cypress works. I have 2 of them in one of my pastures. I love all of your experiments, the wool skirt is beautiful!

    1. Cypress is good on this boiled wool but not good on silk. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. have you tried Cypress on cotton?

    3. I haven't tried on cotton which needs steps of mordant before printing.

  2. beautiful success, wonderful ending!

  3. Looks great - and Mogi clearly approves!

  4. Lovely!! Mogi, I can see why Mum is delighted (and her mum too!) Looking forward to more of your experiments with cypress and etc, Terriea. it really is great that these do fit your style so well!

    1. Thanks Ginny. I really love pine experiments. Cypress is good on this sort of wool but not clear on silk. Just a few pine leaves can make a beautiful scenery. I'm going to do more experiments. Thanks always for your sweet words.

  5. When I read what you are doing I think to myself that every piece of work is a mystery until you unwrap it. Nothing you do is a copy of another, all are one of a kind creations and originals. God has given you an endless supply of plants to work your magic and to make you happy doing what you love to do. I love Mogi, such sweet pictures of a creature that helps to fill your days with happiness. I can see where he is much loved by you. Happy Easter holiday to you, dear friend and to your loved ones.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)
    p.s. I go back now to the posts before this one because again I am so behind in reading them.

  6. Oh, My Goodness I missed this posting. Such a beautiful prints from nature. Nice to share your nature with your Mom.. Wonderful creations. Hugs judy

  7. Less is more definitely, beautiful work...as Lways

  8. I have also used cypress and pine on paper. It leaves a very good imprint as well. Love your work!

  9. Love the pine and cypress. I am so behind on reading your posts. Haven't gotten online in a long while. Will be moving end of next month, so am catching up now before all the work begins. Hmm. considering the pine needles are so delicate, they leave a very solid impresssion & are very rich in color. Very interesting. Isn't nature wonderful?

    1. Thank you Linda. Pine needles are wonderful prints. So delicate and bold with iron. Thanks for stopping by while you're hectic for the move. Wish you great living in other State.
