

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ohio & Michigan visit

It was snowing while transit in Minneapolis for my workshop taking place in Ohio.

Arrived artist Pamela A McGregor's studio, the next day I started making a teapot. Pamela's technique of wool felting is unique and inspiring.

After touch up of the stopper. All completed and in the drying.

In the meantime we shared the wonder of natural printing.

With some windfalls of oak, maple, rose, euc.... Natural prints on a silk blouse is done.

We also played with the same leaves on a silk scarf
Shades of green with iron mordant. 

A teapot is made in the well organized studio. 
The studio with everything in the finger tip
I stayed a few days in the cozy studio. In the sleepless night I read lots of reference books.
The house with lovely cats, one on my lap !
Huge but baby liked poodles
A pig and a horse are the members of the family
After workshop, Pamela and I strolled along the river 

Quite winter feel

After teapot making, Pamela was so nice to drive me up to Michigan to meet artists Dawn Edwards and Sue.
Fun to play and interact in my last  24 hours in Michigan.
Also with same sorts of leaves but a little more reddish euc leaves

Dawn makes beautiful hats. She gave me this white one. I wrapped with leaves to boil.

Finished with quite nice prints and color tone.
Next morning breakfast meeting with Suzanne before heading to airport back to Vancouver. Such a nice catch up.

All made in the US. Thanks for Dawn's hospitality.

Thanks for Pamela's teaching and hosting. I made the unique teapot and enjoyed very much her company for the past few days.  Now back to Vancouver for last glimpse of the city. Quite chilly these days. 


  1. Lovely photos, looks like you are having fun! Love your naturally dyed hat :)

  2. I am so glad you got to come to Ohio and get a taste of our unpredictable weather. They say if you do not like the weather in Ohio to just stick around and in about 20 minutes it will change. They are getting a snow storm south of here, where my sister-in-law lives between Dayton and Cincinnati. For now I just stay home and enjoy doing some Christmas baking and this evening I will watch a bit of tv and have my needlework on my lap. I so wish I could have come to see you Terrie, it was a big disappointment to me, but maybe next time if you come back to us. I was going to send package this week but need one more thing to put in the box before I send it, so I will get it in the mail on Monday. You take care, have safe trip home and keep warm.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. It was a pity we could not meet due to my tight schedule. It was cold in Ohio but scenery still pretty of winner look. Thanks for your gift. You are s nice.

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip with creative and inspiring women.

  4. Piękny imbryk.
    W Polsce też burze śnieżne.
    Pogoda na świecie oszalała.

  5. Hope that you will come back again Terriea....It was such a pleasure to finally meet you. I have long admired your beautiful creations and it was a joy to finally meet in person. Thank you so very much.

    Big hugs,

    1. It was my wonderful feeling to have met you in person too. Hope we will see again somewhere on other occasion.

  6. Gosh, that teapot looks absolutely wonderful. It must have been very enjoyable to go overseas and meet others who share the same passion as you.
