

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Last glimpse Vancouver 別了溫哥華

Goodbye  "Black & White" in the Vancouver airport inn where I stayed my last night in. 
一個滿有情懷北美之行, 白雪紛飛踏上航班, 別了黑白貓, 別了溫哥華.
Before heading home, I spend a couple of days for a last glimpse of Vancouver up to the Grouse Mountain
Up there by the cable car
Lots snow and sunshine
A woman from sub-tropical wrapped from head to toe with wool felt wearable, felt so warm!

The last day way to Granville Island.  On a chilly Sunday, everywhere was quiet. 
Granville Island is a unique haven for creativity
Works of feltmaking of wearable pieces are my interest. 
Time to go.  Left the heart in the sky......
Goodbye Sharon, my host of the workshops. Hope we cross the path somewhere sometime....
Boarding on the Alaska flight back home via Seattle in a snowy morning, the most beautiful   day I left.......eager to see my....
"Mogi.... are you expecting me?"
My days in North America were fabulous, fun with natural print experiments and got inspired with renowned artists.


  1. Wonderful post! I'm so glad you enjoyed your time in Canada. Sharon sounds like a fabulous host. It was so cold while you were here (even for us) but I am glad you enjoyed it anyway.

    1. Wish that I could have met you for a coffee if my schedule was not that tight.

    2. I understand. I'm just glad you had a wonderful time :-) Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas.

  2. Lovely, glad you visited Grouse Mtn and Granville Island. I am so happy for you, now perhaps I fly to HK for your teaching :):)

  3. You look lovely in all of your felted, eco dyed gear! And it looks coooold in the Alaska airport photo. Glad you had a good trip

  4. Wonderful indeed - lovely sights to remember and inspire you!

  5. So glad you had a wonderful trip. Welcome home.

  6. Lovely photos Terriea, and beautiful felt in the window of the Funk Shui shop....Wish I lived close enough to shop there ;-)

    Tell Mogi a big thank you for sharing you with all of us. I loved meeting you, but I know that Mogi must be so happy to have you back home. Hope that you are resting up after all of your travels.

    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Dawn, the sweet moment of our fun playing still in my mind. I can imagine how pretty is your surrounding covered with snow. Hope to meet you all inspired artists again somewhere in the world. Thanks again for the soft and warm hat. Loving it....

  7. I am so glad you had a interesting and productive trip to Canada and the US. Only thing missing was me! I so wish I could have met up with you, but I'm sure you had your plans made and they turned out wonderful for you. You do look so good in your wool and eco wearables. You look fabulous. I mailed package to you this past Monday. I am not sure how long it will take for it to arrive. I sent it air mail, but we all know how slow that can be too. Please let me know when it arrives. Keep warm. It is cold here and we are expecting a snow storm this weekend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, yes it's a pity that we missed. Do hope we will cross the path on other occasion. Thank you in advance for the gifts. You're so nice. Wish the weather wouldn't be too bad though snowy white is pretty in my mind.. Keep warm.
