

Friday, October 4, 2013

My little corner 我的小天地

" If I had a mas in Provence "........ Only a dream to me.  The little book my friend Brigitte gave me.  The book of simple lines and color drawings that convey the elements of Provence with delightful artistry.  I can't afford to buy a house in Provence but drawing on the wall is allowed.  
在普羅旺斯擁有一小房子 - 我造夢吧 ! 不如畫在牆壁上不時望著滿足下, 捧著友人 Brigitte送給我一本線條與顏色簡單的普羅旺斯擁小畫冊, 一筆一點的在我家的平台圍牆塗鴉. 

I tired of the yellow wall with flowers I painted two years ago.  Took the recent crisp dry days, time to have a make-over.
Lazy me, I just covered with the light paint
Sketched a house with vine, stairs, roofs........ then painted with acrylic
All finished in a day. Terrible brushes to the eyes of painters.  Not to show a close up of the graffiti.   Don't laugh.
A cat - big eyes
A corner for us - Mogi and I.   Mogi to wait for the birds, to watch people passing by.  While I do my wet wool felting , eco printing and line up drying.  No need to worry about wet floor. 
That yellow-bellied Mogi !!!  Heard the horn and jumped away....
Pampered little thing on my lap to read the little drawing book - " If I had a mas in Provence " while I enjoyed my mug of tea. 


  1. Quickly done and utterly charming!

  2. The painting speaks for itself. Serenity and charming indeed

  3. You are multitalented! Love the new wall!

  4. Your little corner of the world is indeed charming. I think this as I am ready to type my thoughts and see where someone else thinks the same thing. Some people can have a huge home and no happiness, but I think you make the most of what you have and it makes you very happy. Every now and then we need something fresh to look at and you have the perfect place to paint something new when ever you want. I like it!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. My little corner seems I'm the only one to use. I've to care the plants, dust the floor and do laundry. Hubby and son don't care about it. Ahhhh, sometimes Mogi trys to catch birds when he hears birds' chirping, of course he never got anything.

  5. I am so glad that I found you and you also like wool felt near China , when I first knew felt from Germany's fair and finally I was hooked on felt . so nice to see you here

  6. Thanks for stopping by. I also got inspired when I saw a wool felt pouch in a crafts market in Cambridge, curiosity drove me to dig the nature of wool felt and now I'm addicted. Where are you located?
