

Monday, October 7, 2013

Eco print blouse easy make easy wear 百搭襯衣圍巾

I keen on experiments of eco print & dye. This is only a few of my stuff.   What to do with these?  For scarfs are too much though  some will be used for nuno felt garments base.  Well let me make a simple blouse ........ 
這些 日子實在做了很多植物印染絲料試驗,  這是一小量而已, 有些會是 nuno felt 衣物的材料, 其餘祗作絲巾又太多了, 因此我以有限度的技巧做了一件簡約襯衣.
With two iron water dyed strips and the main part of various wild leaves prints, I just sewed together along waist with top open neck .
Prints dipped in iron water and each isolated, thus prints clear.
A simple silk blouse is made

Pull in, two waist holes, free size

Slip in waist holes with iron printed fabric belt
The look
Goes well with iron dyed chiffon scarf waist line
Another simple look
The blouse is soft and light
Wrap around as scarf
 A blouse as well a scarf - two ways to wear.
Mogi, "fair enough for today........  until next time....."


  1. beautiful!!! I think you must enjoy making your own such unique creations, all from nature brings such a wonderful look! Mogi is a beauty!

    1. Thanks Laurie, that's the one-of-a-kind and own made is such a special thing to me. Mogi is part of our life, that nothing thing !

  2. I like how you can take something so simple and make it look like expensive dress wear. I have also noticed how you can do just about anything you want with the garments. If they are plain they look good, if you add pearls or beads they look good. All accessories can even change the look as you did with a belt or sash. The simple T pattern for cutting out a blouse is so easy too. Love it all Terrie, and love that cat!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, you're sweet. That's the simple thing I can do only. Because it's own use, I made it without pressure. That's why I only enjoy whatever I want to do, if goes wrong I can change it. Thanks for your sweet words.

  3. Another beautiful creation and you look lovely in it.

  4. A blouse you can wear as a scarf - that's real multitasking!
