

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wool felt slippers 羊毛室內鞋子

I was asked if I could do wool slippers.  I keen on trying, just let me have some wool to play with.  With fall is approaching, a pair of wool bootie for baby is sweet.
被問及能否做羊毛鞋子,給我一些羊毛,難不倒我吧,款式如何? 有容再做再嘗試,這些日子做了三款以不同技巧的室內鞋及嬰兒鞋子,如果我找到戶外鞋底我會做一對可以"行街"鞋或靴 !

I made this with wool and yarn.

Another adult size indoor slippers also made with wool and yarn for decoration.

This pair is made with nuno felt skills manipulated with own dyed silk scraps. A little bit fancy !

Three different pairs of slippers made with different skills. Nuno felt is rather challenging.

After finished, a pair for myself.

I put on removable wool felted soles and stitched slippery proof soles, so it's safe and washable.

Among all, the baby shoes are rather easier to make, it takes little time and looks sweet.

Made simply with enclosed resist to cut into a pair. Shape it without a block.  I don't have small baby around thought it suits 1 - 2 years old.
If I can source the tough soles I would make a pair of outdoor shoes for myself !


  1. Hello Terrie: I always love to see Mogi on your blog..and of course, also your creations! All three pair of the shoes look good; I can imaine that the nuno felt ones were challenging as you say!

    1. Thank you Ginny. Mogi is lazy these days for not having shots. Will come again shortly. Grin ~.~

  2. Those will keep your feet so nice and warm when the snow starts to fly. Do you get snow where you live? I can not remember. The slippers are a new thing for you to make. So nice that you can use your talents for so many new things too, but I love them all. Love your Mogi too, he is so pretty.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. You're sweet Susanne. We don't have snow but do have four seasons. Oct is cool then Dec - Feb may a bit cold. Sometimes drop to 5 degrees. So wool is good for my creation then.

  3. Those little yellow baby slippers are darling! Sorry I haven't been around to visit for awhile. I have been on an extended blog break.

  4. All of the slippers are wonderful!
    Someday I will have to try felting again..... I gave it a brief try a couple of years ago, and I wasn't very good at it. But maybe all I needed was more practice!
    I've seen the harder soles that you are wanting in a couple of etsy shops. I can't remember which specific shops, but if you do a search in etsy they should pop up!

    1. Thanks Julie for the sole info. Will search etsy. Hope to do outdoor shoes with soles.

  5. The slippers are so cute and would be lovely in cold weather! Are they washable?

    1. Oh yea they're washable as soles are or plastic materials but water & slippery proof.

  6. I used to make slippers with my children. We would felt them right on their feet for a perfect fit. I would love to know what you have found for the non-slip fabric for the bottom of the slipper! What is the material? And where did you find it?

    1. Kim, yes, a final shape with children's feet is perfect. The non-slip fabric I got from the studio I run workshops. The shop sells locally those materials made of plastic with little dots so non-slip and washable.

  7. You are so talented! Love the slippers - especially the Nuno felt.

  8. I want to make myself a pair of slippers, too - have the wool, but not the time!

  9. I love your slippers! And, the fancy nuno pair are absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing all of your talents with us. It's always a joy to see what you're creating.
