

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creativity and health

Something to pamper myself.  Doing whatever good means treating myself healthy.  Is it true?
" ...... doing what you love can add years" - quote from The Art of Living of TIME.  Health and quality of live matter most than logevity.  I love creation and my mind is non stop.  Do wish it's good to me.
長壽是否與創意有關? 最新一期的 「時代周刊」 "The Art of Living" 提及多用腦, 做自己愛做的創作會是長壽的可能.  對我而言, 生活質數與健康體魄比長壽更重要.  小小一件製作完成了, 自己很受用,  分享一點製作與保健心德是樂事. 以下是 nuno felt 保溫套及身體怕冷的黑棗茶製作. 
Lots of eco print scraps in my stash.  Something hit my mind to make use of the piece with eucalyptus leaves.  I wanted to make a thermo cup cozy with wool.  
Here it goes..... 
Laid two thin layers of wool with enclosed resist.  On the top I put a thin plastic strap then covered with another layer of merino wool. 

Covered the wool with the printed fabric and net.  After some rubbing, rolling..... 
Cut the top to remove the resist 
Some more rolling with bamboo mat 
 - Mogi, "Mum, is it done?
- Mum, "not yet but almost (after two hours of exercise !)."
Cut the little holes ...... 
pull out the thin plastic strap 
To secure the top edge with silk fabric I machine sewed it and inserted the strings for closure.  That's finished thermo cup cozy.

Talking about health.  Recently got advices from herbal doctor.  He asked if I felt tired easily or no appetite.  I said no.  He asked if I felt cold.  Yes I do.  No doubt I'm too skinny, I know.  He advised me to make herbal tea that's good to body feeling cold.  Simple ingredients :
 1. Five pitted dark dates, two slice ginger, a little (nail size) ground cinnamon and a cube of cane sugar (honey is also good);
2. Bring to boil 10 oz of water with pitted dates and ginger;
3. Pour the boiled water into a thermo cup;
4. Put into the cube sugar + cinnamon in the thermo cup and keep for 3 hours 

   Serve warm.  That's it.  
The doctor told me to boil for 30-min on stove but I found using a thermo cup is energy save.  However the thermo cup keeps not very hot.  Thus I made the wool felt cozy that keeps the heat and it works really hot for longer hours. 
So this is something I love to do with - a nuno felt cup cozy. 
Well, for oats need boiling I also just pour some hot water into the cup and keep for an hour with cozy. 
Good cozy for hot lunch pack or cold salad
That's something I like - eco print and nuno felt !
Linking with DIY Dreamer


  1. what a wonderful idea! You are very clever!I hope that you are able to regain good health and add a few pounds, maybe I could send you a couple I have a few to spare, lol!!!!

  2. Terriea--What a fun project! I made a similar one (no fabric, though..only wool) here: http://woollove-functional-fiberart.blogspot.com/2012/02/quilt-design-drawstring-bag-part-2-of-2.html
    that I use for my camera accessories!
    We'll have to take another trip together so we can 'fatten you up'!! :)

    1. Heather, that bag is gorgeous. Always love your drawing with pencil roving. So clear and detail. Come on let's have another trip to fatten me up ! ~.~

  3. What a brilliant idea!

  4. The eco prints have nuno felted in beautifully! Really lovely cup & food cosies.
    That tea looks and sounds rather yummy too, think I would like it with honey :)

  5. Someone who gets to spend so much time doing something they enjoy - especially involving all that exercise! - is bound to have many years to do it in!

  6. Very sweet cozy, and thanks for posting it, the print is very elegant, Nd yes, we certainly hope creativity abd longevity go hand in hand. I have been experimenting with smoke bush smoke...cotinus, it is the flower stalks, and it is like crackling on clay, you would love it...Also put some mushrooms in the dye water and got a nice winter colour, and that was fun...
