

Monday, November 26, 2012

Work life balance eco print 午間小手作

 What's so bright in a gloomy day?
在一個午餐的時間, 同事們興致地跟我一起製作植物印染絲巾,  桉樹的效果鮮艷, 製作簡單, 他們很感興趣, 還準備製作成聖誕禮物送給摯愛, 很不錯的心思呢.
 My office is far from downtown.  No shopping but surrounded by stunning views.
 Usually after lunch I like to stroll along the promenade....
 watching egrets gliding or enjoying the still moments.
 Last Friday I offered my colleagues a free session of making eco prints with leaves to make a silk scarf.  During the 45-min lunch break they made the bundles.
 Boiled for an hour and sit in the pot over the weekend.
 Today we're anxious to open the bundles.  They're mainly of euc cinerea leaves so quite bright with red.
 After ironed, it become a bit soft.
 Some kind of leaves have the outlines with the effect of iron in water.
 Red shades of different euc leaves.
 With a little material cost and a big heart, a scarf is made.
Different styles
 They found eco print simple yet amazing.
 Thanks ladies you made my "job satisfaction".
 This is the sample I demo with iron mordanted so with shades.
Mogi loves it.
I'm happy to offer tutorials to my colleagues whenever possible.  Eco print is so easy and environmental friendly.  Some colleagues said they're going to do a few more for Christmas gift.  Great idea and thoughtfulness.
Linking with finecraftguild Party
Linking with DIY Dreamer


  1. oh my gosh, lucky colleagues!!!To have you instruct them must have been a treat!Beautiful work Terrie, the natural elements are just highlighted so beautiful by your choice of placement and arrangement, its like magic!

  2. What a wonderful thing to do for them all!! Absolutely beautiful designs... so special how the leaves that vanish so quickly once they fall from the trees; can be preserved forever! :)

  3. What a great way to liven up a lunch hour and make a complete change from office work!

  4. Wonderful to teach your colleagues, Terrie...and they have done well. Mogi likes the results..important, too!

  5. Good job Terrie. What a great day for your colleagues!

  6. You have a BIG heart - no question about that! ❤

  7. The fabric here and others I've seen throughout your blog are breathtakingly beautiful. enJOYing your blog.

  8. I would love to have a colleque like you Terriea!! Compliments to them all.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks. You just click "Join this site" on Follower.

  10. Thank you for all the sweet comments. Love to share.

  11. What a wonderful thing to have done for your work-mates!
    And such beautiful prints, too...Mogi approves ;>]]

  12. An office with a spectacular view and you giving tutorials during lunch hour! Heaven!

  13. What a great idea. The scarves are fantastic, and a colleague like you is it much more.

  14. I am jealous! :) What fun your colleagues must have had learning to do this. The scarves turned out beautifully.
