

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blogspot photo upload HELP please

Could anyone help or advise me how to do when I tried to upload pic on new post, it said I reached the free limit.  I deleted some old posts, still can't upload.  Don't know how to seek help.  If it doesn't work and not going to buy space, I'm afraid I've to open another a/c but lost some followers. 

If anyone could advise will be appreciated.  Thanks


  1. I have heard others talking of this - it sounds like a nightmare.

    Can you add pictures via image URL? If you can then you could open a free flickr account and transfer your photos that way.

    Or you could start a new blog (but purely for storing photos on). Then copy the pictures over via image URL as above.

    I hope one of these work!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

    1. Thanks Sarah, you advice helps. I managed to solve by saving small pixel pics and upload. THANKS.

    2. Hi Terrie, Glad you managed to resize your pictures to create more space. I also don't understand why deleting pictures didn't free up some space. I hope you are able to repost your deleted items. I do keep pictures for my blog in folders just in case something happens and I also try to do a back up each month on my computer and extended drive. Did you know there is a way to back up your blog just in case someone hacks it?
      Thanks to Pam for linking you up to my info about resizing pics for your blog.
      http://joysjotsshots.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/save-blogger-storage-downsize-pictures.html Hope others can enJOY the info as well. Thank-you for leaving a comment.

    3. I haven't created a blog to show how to backup a blog. I got the idea from another blog and I don't remember where. However, I found a good tut with pictures and from it I've also learned I should back up my template. I thought backing up the blog took care of that as well. http://bloggersitedesign.com/2012/02/how-to-back-up-your-blogger-blog/

    4. One more note-- backing up blogger- after you click on "other" I have to scroll UP to see "Blog Tools" where the "Export" button is found. Don't know if you will have to do that or not.

  2. Hey Terrie! I'm not sure why deleting some photos didn't help. It's not about the number of photos...but the size. You shouldn't have to delete them, just change the pixel size so they take up less space. This doesn't change the look of the photo or really the quality of it for blogging purposes. Here's what I found online when I googled it....When you upload a photo to blogger the graphic is stored in a linked Picasaweb account. If the photos are small enough, they do not count against your allowance.

    Deleting large (in pixels) photos, and replacing them with smaller ones, should solve your problem.However, you have to delete the photos from your Picasaweb account (picasaweb.google.com), not just from your blog

    1. Thank you so much Danni for the advice. Just aware the photo size has impact. Now managed to delete and free some spaces. THANKS.

  3. Sorry Terrie, I am not very good at things like this and so not any help to you. I did look at your last post about the shawl you made for the lady and so happy that you are able to make your work pay off. Your daughter is beautiful young woman and the perfect model for showing your work.

    I hope you get the picture thing figured out. I don't understand why anyone should have to delete pictures to make room for more.

    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susanne, finally managed to solve the problem with great help from bloggers. Otherwise I've to create another blog is a waste. Thanks for comment of my last post. You're sweet. My prayer to you all. Hugs to sweet Holden.

  4. you are the third blog friend I have that in the last few days has had this trouble, if you start a new blog your followers will find you, the ones that count ,

  5. The link below might help. I haven't tried it, but it was linked to the 'Blog Tips' link party on my blog. Read right to the end of Joy's post, where she refers the reader to another solution by a commenter.


    Good luck getting the problem fixed, Terrie.

    1. GREAT help and THANKS Pam. Very good blog tips I've never aware of. I fixed the problem now. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

    2. I'm so pleased you sorted it out, Terrie!!!

  6. This happened to me in the Spring. I am assuming that you have a Google account. When you upload your photo's go into a Pisca (sp?) file, which is Google's picture files. Google allows you a certain amount of space free and then you have to buy space ... or you can delete pictures from the Pisca file, not from your blog. Pisca will upload every file on your computer if you do not manage it and that is what takes up the amount of space you are allotted. Deleting from Pisca does not mean you have deleted from your computer as long as you have the files somewhere else on your computer, ie folder or hard drive file.

    1. Thanks Vicki. GREAT help. Just aware my blog's saving pics in Picasa. Never known. I managed to delete some and it works now.

  7. Gosh, I have heard nothing about limited space ! Found all the comments very interesting and I will check my sizes now. Please tell us how you remedy this! I think I would go back to my really old posts and delete them if it was me.

    1. Brenda, I also didn't aware in the first instance. Just alerted me that pics are also saved in Picasa. I managed to delete some and free spaces. It works now.

    2. Thanks Terrie, love your blog and always wish I could take classes from you! ;-) Thank you for stopping by my blog today too!

  8. Thank you so much for the valuable advices. I didn't aware uploading pic in blogspot has limit space and all are stored in Picasa. I managed now to delete some in Picasa and free spaces. THANK YOU all my dear.
