

Monday, November 26, 2012

Work life balance eco print 午間小手作

 What's so bright in a gloomy day?
在一個午餐的時間, 同事們興致地跟我一起製作植物印染絲巾,  桉樹的效果鮮艷, 製作簡單, 他們很感興趣, 還準備製作成聖誕禮物送給摯愛, 很不錯的心思呢.
 My office is far from downtown.  No shopping but surrounded by stunning views.
 Usually after lunch I like to stroll along the promenade....
 watching egrets gliding or enjoying the still moments.
 Last Friday I offered my colleagues a free session of making eco prints with leaves to make a silk scarf.  During the 45-min lunch break they made the bundles.
 Boiled for an hour and sit in the pot over the weekend.
 Today we're anxious to open the bundles.  They're mainly of euc cinerea leaves so quite bright with red.
 After ironed, it become a bit soft.
 Some kind of leaves have the outlines with the effect of iron in water.
 Red shades of different euc leaves.
 With a little material cost and a big heart, a scarf is made.
Different styles
 They found eco print simple yet amazing.
 Thanks ladies you made my "job satisfaction".
 This is the sample I demo with iron mordanted so with shades.
Mogi loves it.
I'm happy to offer tutorials to my colleagues whenever possible.  Eco print is so easy and environmental friendly.  Some colleagues said they're going to do a few more for Christmas gift.  Great idea and thoughtfulness.
Linking with finecraftguild Party
Linking with DIY Dreamer

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blogspot photo upload HELP please

Could anyone help or advise me how to do when I tried to upload pic on new post, it said I reached the free limit.  I deleted some old posts, still can't upload.  Don't know how to seek help.  If it doesn't work and not going to buy space, I'm afraid I've to open another a/c but lost some followers. 

If anyone could advise will be appreciated.  Thanks

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What customers' expectation 顧客之要求

I was asked to do three pieces of nuno felt shawls by lady C. Instantly I was chuffed for my works caught attention.  This way of making garments is still new in Hong Kong.   Glad that people find it unique and want it. My girl Jasmine showed it right after all finished.  Thought to myself it's good. 
The shawls were made by laying merino wool and some mulberry silk over the chiffon base.
After rubbing, rolling for some 200 times back & forth.  Followed by light motions of throwing and "moving" around - the effortless action I like to do.
Within hours it come the shawl.
Another piece is in brown tone
My girl was fond of it and asked me to do her a piece.  Never say no to my darling girl or shout at my sweet Mogi.
Mogi, "how soft it is?

   Totally made 4 during the weekend.   The last one for Jas...
Wrap in different styles, upside-down or inside-out with different shades of black, grey and white..... 

Girl's naughty look.
I was happy to have done the commision and ready to go for the buyer lady C.
These  shawls are what I supposed good for the winter. Lady C was nice and said they're warm enough and she loved all BUT if they're thinner would be best also for handbag carrying.  I was a bit uneasy for a while since they're not what I assume all right. I said I could do another piece with just little scattered wool which will be light and thin.  


That night I made a lighter one and given to lady C the following morning. She said it's excatly what she wanted.  I intended this is free for her but she's kind and  insisted on paying
I seldom sell my items, not to mention for a commission.  It's not that easy to meet others expectation.  Quite some pressure.  Anyway, that's a good start for me.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Subtle eco printed scarf 柔色植物印染圍巾

Georgette silk is my fav to do with eco prints.  Love the dense weave yet soft so that prints on it can be bold particular with euc.
這植物印染是天然柔色? 烏卒卒”?  個人喜好吧。 這實驗是用 Georgette絲質布料包扎著桉樹葉在混有鐵罐子的鍋內文火煲一小時,物料留在鍋內約七子小時,就是這效果,如果把包扎物取出放在空間幾日,顏色效果可能更顯著,我還須要多點耐性。 
These days I made a few pieces of scarves with assorted euc leaves.......
together with twigs and buds.
Simmered for an hour in iron mordanted pot with iron lids and fresh euc leaves.  I usuaally keep it in a themo pot so heat will last for some hours.  That will save energy.
Unbundled after sitting in dye pot for 7 hours
Comparison of before and after
Quite mousy look with string marks at the end
Reddish prints of euc cinerea and light prints of other sort.
Since in iron mordanted pot, the whole piece become greyish
My girl said the scarf is not dark nor brown, looks dirty and asked if any bright color could be achieved.  I said this is what we call "subtle". Since I encountered a group of eco print / dye.  I almost fall in love with the natural printing and the outcome, just love the pale and soft beauty of nature. 
Next time I'll do a few experiments with bundles stay longer days.  That will have different shades of leaf prints with iron.  I should be patient ! 
Yes,  I can  make the soft and bright prints just with euc cinerea.
The outlines of the leaves are obvious since the georgette fabric was soaked in iron mordanted hot water for some hours before laying the leaves over it.  Outcome after boiled for an hour. 
Green is rose leave
Are they bright ?
This mousy piece may be as it is for a scarf
Or make it a tote bag.  Fingers crossed.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cream Burlee sweet talk 美味甜品

 Other than my usual posts of  wool felt, eco print, today is sweet talk......
 My girl Jas wanted to make us the Creme Brulee she learnt from YouTube.  How nice to have a treat after supper !
 Combine milk and cream in a saucepan
 Whisk sugar and egg yolks in a bowl
 Pour all mixture through a strainer
 Pour into ramekins and set them on an oven proof pan that holding hot water
Preheated over to 180 F????? Then turned to 110 F ?  for an hour........
Waited and waited for 60 min.  Oh, no.... not too hot and still liquid look.  Jas refreshed from YouTube.  Some said 30 min, some said 40 min at heat of 300 F or so. 
She put into the oven again and set higher heat 180 for another 25 min. It's done but we don't know our over is F or C degrees !!!

 Sprinkle the top with brown sugar and caramelize with a torch
Finally done and appealing !
 .  Hmmmmmm, crispy caramel, smooth, sweet.....
Though waited for almost 1.5 hours to have the dessert.  It's sweet. 
 Well done, sweetheart.
She put off the apron and found it's pretty and asked where did I buy it,  I said it's a gift from my US blog friend Melinda. Her blog MzTasty's Kitchen is full of inspiring cookery.   Suddenly hit my mind she has a post of  Creme Brulee.  We should have referred to her blog for the steps in the first instance.  Ever since our communication in 2010, we have constant contacts.  She visited Hong Kong months ago and we'll be meeting in Jan to join a nuno felt and eco print workshop in CA.     That'll also be my great chances to learn from her cookery and yarns & fabrics.