

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Clowns bring laugh and happiness 歡樂的小丑

 Clown is always the symbol of happiness. These babies were made by my pottery tutors CC and Peter.  The awesome clowns with the lovely elephants are among the joint-exhibits of ceramics in an arts centre . See how cheerful they are ! 
看著小丑的笑顏, 自然感染開心歡樂。 今日去了參觀陶瓷老師蔡芷的聯展, 這些展品是老師的作品, 每一件都是仔細作品, 無論色彩、表情、形態都很細緻。 

 Today I went to see the opening of the exhibition.
 A talk on ceramics in China
 Exhibits in the hall
 Ceramic with  lights
 Some are of traditional
Ceramics of cats are always my favourites.
 The colorful circus group caught my eye.  Babies of CC & Peter.
 The clown with grin brings laugh and fun.
 Every piece is so delicate with action and expression.
 No wonder the circus group drawn attention.  I love them most, not of flattering.
 Today I also celebrated with my mum for the Mother's Day.  I bought her some flowers.
 Then we went out to have Vietnamese dishes.
 My daughter's thoughtfulness.  She bought me a pretty hair clip in a lovely pack with sweet wording   " Stay pretty, stay young....".  I do wish.  

Wish all mothers like this clown always smile.  Wish children happy, fortuate and healthy so that mothers are peace of mind.

願天下母親笑顏常開如小丑一樣歡樂,  孩子們幸福快樂, 父母親無憂.
母親節快樂 !


  1. happy mothers day to you too Terriea!!

  2. aww, Terrie, this is such a happy post! Your pottery is lovely as well as the others, the flowers gifts from your daughter are lovely, Happy Mothers Day to you!

  3. The smiling clowns are pretty cute! I really like the sleeping babies and the little ones in the harlequin suits.

    Have a very Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Hello Terrie, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day! I love those clowns, they are such fun. It is always fun to be able to look at the works of such gifted and talented artists. It looks like you had a good time being there, and also a good time spent with your mother. Enjoy your weekend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. What light-hearted characters the clowns are. They do make you smile. They are having way too much fun!

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you as well! I don't know why we have so many fears of clowns here, but those look like happy ones! All of the ceramics were just gorgeous. I have never made any kind of ceramics, but I love them!

  7. I can see why the clowns are so popular... you cannot help but smile and have pleasant thoughts when you see them. Truly uplifting pieces of art! :)
