

Friday, April 27, 2012

Purple love - wool felt lavender box 羊毛薰衣草寶盒

I have a passion of France. The romantic purple and fragance of lavender I adore most and always reminds me of Provence.  The lavender fields in Provence and the stone houses are just the beauty of the country.
 This wool felt box holds the treasures and good memories of the country.

I used to make ceramics. This tray was made years ago with painting of a village and paddies.  Just came to my mind why not making some small houses cross over my wool felt ?  
For a trial,  I made a few houses with paper clay to go with my wool felt box.  Next time I must do ceramic houses which are more adorable.  I don't want to give up ceramics. 
Steps of making :
1. After almost felted the round shape, cut the lid with 3cm left;
2. Put on some wool on the lid as lavender field, continue rolling and make it to a box shape;
3. Embellished with some glass beads;
4. & 5. Crochetted and needle sewed around the rim. 
Embellished with some glass beads and stitched on the little house.

Inside the box bottom I intended to make the "inner hole".

This box can be a little treasure box to hold little goodies.

  Added  beads and  some amethyst around the box.   Isn't it pretty?

Lavender fields and the ancient stone house in Gorde, Provence.    

Love France, love lavender.......

Linking with FineCraftGuild Party
Linking with HappyHourProject


  1. Another pretty and inspiring post...visit your post make me 'dream' again!

  2. lovely Terriea!! Also your wonderfull pictures, Thanks for sharing

  3. That's delightful Terrie! Such a lovely way to combine your felt and pottery. I love lavender too - we've just planted some in our holiday house in France. You should put some flowers or a few spots of lavender oil on your treasure box - then it would be a multi-sensory experience!

  4. Very pretty Terrie! What a lovely way to keep your treasures from Provence

  5. Lovely piece of felting, the bead embellishment really pulls it together. Thanks for popping by my blog.

  6. Absolutely beautiful!!! Your creations just get more and more delightful!! I love the photo of the lavender field and old stone house... makes me want to explore inside and think of what it must have been like to live in such a sturdy little building... and I wonder if the people who built it had any idea that it would still be standing and in such great shape after so long...

    1. I was also wondering how talented the ancient people were. They didn't need sand or cement to build the stone houses and they embrace well against wind and rain. Views in Provence are stunning.

  7. I just never know what lovely treasure I am going to see next on your blog. Always something delightful and pretty. You are so creative. I love how you add the beads too. They are such a perfect accent to complete the little treasure box.
    Susanne :)

  8. What a wonderful box you've made to hold your treasures. It is beautiful. I love lavender too and have one small plant in my garden.

  9. really unique and amazing. thank you for linking it up at our party at

  10. Oh my gosh , this is stunning, you are so talented, i also just adore the little houses, I would love to see more of your ceramics, they are beautiful but this box is just amazing! Truly beautiful, you should be so proud of this,

  11. I love your purple treasure catcher! What a lovely way to remind you of your time in Provence!

  12. Oh Terrie, I too love Lavender. Fields of it are just amazing. They always leave me in awe. I have 5 plants in the garden, but would love even more. Your felted wool box is wonderful! The idea of the little cottage on top is so unique. Great job on making them out of clay!

  13. It's a lovely box, and a charming homage to Provence!

  14. love france, love lavender and love your gorge pictures. thank you for linking these up and we look forward to seeing 'new stuff' from you tomorrow, at http://www.finecraftguild.com/party/

  15. I love this piece Terrie. Of course I love purple and lavender also. What a great idea.

  16. Yes France...la douce!
    Love your felt and your ecoprints

  17. What a well thought-out piece, Terriea! I especially like how you made an inner section for rings, and your embellishment is very lovingly done. The box certainly is evocative...just like your photos! XXO-

  18. Happy Mothers day Terri. I love your felt box..so pretty. My friend just made me a felt bag.

  19. Your lavender box is so very very pretty. I love it. I love how you crochet around the edge of you treasure box. The beading is fantastic. A very beautiful treasure box indeed. OH, I also love those wee ceramic houses. they are adorable. Hugs Judy

    1. Thank you Judy. Lavender is my favourite plant. I love the fragrance. Mixed media makes creation in many ways. Love your inspiring blog too. You're so talented and artistic.
