

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Eco print tote bag I made 伴我萬哩同行百寶袋

Over the Easter weekend I made the tote bag with my eco print silk fabrics. Isn't it a nice set with nuno felt scarf? Leaves prints with Eucalyptus cinerea are always my favour as they give very bold and pretty red.

我鍾情於這特別品種的桉樹Eucalyptus cinerea, 做過不少實驗, 在復活節假期為自己製作一個百寶袋伴我萬哩飛行. See lots of my experiments. Some are dyed with rust iron and onion skins.

Thanks for CC who gave me the pink fabric which is strong and thick enough. I find it's good to make a tote bag with my silk eco print.

I made it from bottom to top. The base is sturdy with double-layer. Finished with lining and inner pockets.

I love eco prints. So natural and subtle. People do not know eco print may not like such marks. Particularly this one with black marks of rusted iron effect. They may find them dirts or stains.

I made it more functional, with inner pockets - for pens ..... for mobile.....for journal.... for folders.....What's more? To carry my iPad for my travels.

Mogi, "anybody watching me ?"

Mogi, "has mum bought me some snacks?"
Curious Mogi !

This tote bag I intended to make for my thousand miles travel...... from here Hong Kong, the Pacific to the North Alantic Portugal central highland for the residential felting week then to the UK to meet friends. So excited to join the workshop of Clasheen by Nicola Brown and meeting the artists in June !!!

六月初我將會去葡萄牙中部高地跟隨Clasheen by Nicola Brown 的羊毛工作坊及後去英國訪友聚舊. 從此岸太平洋到北大西洋, 這個手提袋伴我同行萬哩.....

Linking with HappyHourProject

Linking with Katherine's Corner
Linking with CreativePrincess


  1. It's a very nice tote bag, so much pockets. I wish yoyu a good travel and, when you coming to the Netherlands, stay with my family.

    1. Thank you Dilly. I was in Friesland last April. Wish to visit Holland again !. Your scrapsbooks are wonderful.

  2. Beautiful bag. Love how you photographed it.

  3. Very subtle bag, Terrie. You are lucky to have eucalyptus in your country. I was very glad to see my work - so happy You use it :)

    1. Rutenis, you're very observant. I love your book VERY much. Love the texture and the materials you used. It's now my wool felt log book. Will be travelling with me. Thanks again. Hugs.

  4. hello Terrie, I planned on coming to visit today and then I sasw this beautiful bag youhave done , oh my goodness what lovely work you did, its goregous, I love the lining and the pockets.
    The ribbon you see on my table is just a tangled mess of satin ribbon, I used some to renforce my book I bound.
    Lovely Mogli, such a sweet heart.

  5. That bag is just wonderful. Enjoy your trip and have a nice time.

  6. Terrie you are so busy with your beautiful creations! What a lovely bag and so much storage potential!

  7. You are not only an artist, but a beautiful seamstress as well! It looks like a sturdy bag that will hold all your travel necessities and look stylish, too.

  8. that's a lovely bag...and a gorgeous cat!

  9. Terri, I laughed and laughed. You darling Mogi and the bag, so funny. I am surprised he did not jump in and want to go along with you, silly cat! The purse is fantastic! Love all the pockets inside to keep everything organized and neat. I plan to make some bags too, is on my "To Do" list. You have been one busy soul.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  10. Beautiful Bag Terri and gorgeous colors, wishing you an awesome trip it'll be fantastic :)

  11. Beautiful, beautiful bag, Terri!!! Love all the pockets on the inside as well...

  12. Very beautiful Terri!! I love the colors. I am a new follower and looking forward to your adventures.

  13. I love all the pockets inside this, especially for the pens. I will ahve to try this on a future bag!

  14. That's so cool, I love all the pockets! and the pretty color!

  15. Beautiful bag and lovely leaf prints. If your bag finds it way with to Tasmania you must visit. Did you make your own pattern it is so nice inside. I am having a rest day in the middle of a 4 day felting workshop with Vilte from Lithuania . It is interesting and lovely fellow students. Very physical and my muscles ache.

    1. Thank you. Tasmania is a great source of gum tree. Lining of my bag is ready pattern. I made the leaves only. Vilte is a wonderful artist. I also learnt from her in Holland nuno felt last April. A fantastic workshop. Enjoy your days.

  16. That beautiful bag will have many more stories to tell when you come back from your adventures in Portugal with Nicola Brown and the UK with your friends.I always enjoy seeing your work and posts, Terrie!

  17. What a beautiful and useful bag! It makes a lovely set with the nuno scarf.. you are very skilled Terrie!

    Wishing you happy (and safe!) travels.. I am sure you will have a memorable time at Nicolas workshop in Portugal, it sounds like it will be wonderful! Whereabout in the UK are you going?
    Deborah x

    1. Thank you Deborah for your sweet words.. I'm so excited for the upcoming workshop. After that I'm going to Gloucestershire and London for a week for friends catching up.

    2. I hope you have a lovely time Terrie :) Gloucestershire & London are quite different, I don't know either well but both are lovely in their own way

  18. Hi Terrie,

    I adore your tote bag. It's a wonderful bag for travel.


  19. Beautiful bag and scarf too. Have fun at the workshops! Thank you for linking up to the Thursday hop. Sorry I'm behind in saying thank you. My Monday post will explain my delay.Hope to see you again this Thursday. xo
