

Monday, April 9, 2012

Eco print rose leaves 玫瑰葉印染

This is the third piece of eco print top I made during Easter holiday.

Books by India Flint

Since I received my books "Second Skin" and "Eco Colour", I've never stopped trying. I got more info from the books.This time I done with silk. I soaked the silk fabric in sea water overnight. Then put some rose leaves, rose petals, euc leaves, kind of orchids and a few leaves of
chrysanthemum and it's flowers. Steamed for 40 min and stayed in pot for 2 days.

Result with euc leaves and rose leaves are green and bold but others are not. Wondering if rose leaves are good on sea-water-soaked silk?

Anyway I still pleased with the rose leaves and used the nuno felt skill to make the neckline for the one piece top. Then machine sewed both waist lines.

Here's the look. Green is subtle.

Euc leaves (red ones) are not that bright as on chiffon. Wondering if it's because I used the leaves stored in fridge for 3 weeks?

This is back side.

The top looks a bit small. I may transform it into a girl's dress.

Now that Easter holiday just over. Routines back to track tomorrow. April has least working days. Wow, I'm still in holiday mood !


  1. I'm so glad to be seeing these results of your holiday mood, terrie! I'm finally going to learn a bit how to do projects like these. I'm going to be taking a class from Irit..in italy!! Enjoy your holiday mood!

  2. xxoh you lucky thiong meeting irit..l would love to..give her my lovexx. terrie this work is beautifulxxxIndia's books are amazing aren't they?xx I am hopefully taking India's w/shop when she comes to UK in Summer..yehhh.xxxxx

  3. Terriea I love the top! What enhances the greens of the rose leaves, from my experience is copper.

  4. oh what a beautiful job you have done, its lovely, using the leaves as coloring is just such an amazing technique, so in tune with nature.

  5. You sure are busy. I can only imagine how hard it will be to get back into the work routine after your daughter's wedding and the holiday.
    I love it when I see other people enjoying their time, doing what they love.
    Susanne :)

  6. Hi Terrie. Your work is beautiful and I particularly love the eco printing...you have given me something new to look into! :) x

  7. Hi Terry, I love the eco prints and the way you have made it into a top. Very Unique.

  8. I like the look that the rose petals create. It is very delicate looking.

  9. Terrie this one is so beautiful as are the others, but this one is my favorite so far! It's just breathtakingly gorgeous!

  10. That top is gorgeous Terrie. So light and airy..and the rose petals are gorgeous. Truly one of a kind here.
