

Friday, April 27, 2012

Purple love - wool felt lavender box 羊毛薰衣草寶盒

I have a passion of France. The romantic purple and fragance of lavender I adore most and always reminds me of Provence.  The lavender fields in Provence and the stone houses are just the beauty of the country.
 This wool felt box holds the treasures and good memories of the country.

I used to make ceramics. This tray was made years ago with painting of a village and paddies.  Just came to my mind why not making some small houses cross over my wool felt ?  
For a trial,  I made a few houses with paper clay to go with my wool felt box.  Next time I must do ceramic houses which are more adorable.  I don't want to give up ceramics. 
Steps of making :
1. After almost felted the round shape, cut the lid with 3cm left;
2. Put on some wool on the lid as lavender field, continue rolling and make it to a box shape;
3. Embellished with some glass beads;
4. & 5. Crochetted and needle sewed around the rim. 
Embellished with some glass beads and stitched on the little house.

Inside the box bottom I intended to make the "inner hole".

This box can be a little treasure box to hold little goodies.

  Added  beads and  some amethyst around the box.   Isn't it pretty?

Lavender fields and the ancient stone house in Gorde, Provence.    

Love France, love lavender.......

Linking with FineCraftGuild Party
Linking with HappyHourProject

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another new toy 又一新玩意 ?

Mogi, "I got a new toy !"

That's mine, I got a new toy. Just bought this iPad for light travel. While I put it on the desk, Mogi is too naughty to scratch on it. Judy rang my bell I've to make a wool felt cover to protect it.

That's why I made it.

I laid the wool on a resist and cut the prefelt to do the cat shape. Then put on flowers to do the rest . All done by wet felt.

I love cats. In the past I made some ceramics....... Dish of cat, cat holders, cat box, cat tea set. Black and white cats are my favour.

Right after I made the pouch, Mogi immediate occupied it.

He finds comfortable laying on any flat object, no matter a file, a book or a box.

Years ago I bought a door stopper of this black cat from London.

My cat Tiger thought this stranger was a real intruder. Stupid Tiger. Oh, poor Tiger. He's only 4.5 years old and left us all in a sudden. We miss him.

Mogi also feels a bit lonely. Though we love cats. We still hesitate for another one yet. Keeping a cat is a life commitment. They bring us loads of fun and laugh but some behaviors we've to tolorate. (A secret, a shame... he pees in the dining room at times recently !! We do not know why ) I better make something of cats just for pleasure...... a ceramic or a wool felt cat is rather easy to care.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blue, blue I'm not blue 撥開烏雲見蔚藍

Pastel blue is one of my favourite colors.

Today is raining. Weather forecast even for the whole week will be raining. What a gloomy week ! What matter most is color will change mood. Looking at the nuno felt top I made last weekend. I'm not blue. 近日烏雲密佈, 太陽也躲起, 藍天不現, 祗要好心景, 每日都是蔚藍天.

夏天將至, 我仍醉心做我的羊毛創作, 朋友問香港那麼熱, 穿有羊毛成份的衣物不是很熱嗎? 我說祗用少許羊毛以雪紡做的衣物是輕而薄的, 日前我做了這件雪紡上衣, 不是很清新嗎?

This photo was taken last Sunday near my studio. It's a fine day with breeze.

Here in Hong Kong, weather in summer is humid and hot but still I can make apparel with wool. My friends asked if it's hot to wear something made with wool. I said not really if we just use a little wool to make a nuno felt dress or top like this is airy.

You see I only used a little bit of merino wool on the upper part of a crinkle chiffon base.

Materials are only merino wool, mulberry silk, scraps of chiffon.

Same as I did before. This is a one-piece chiffon without cutting. I put the foam resist in between then scattered some white merino wool on the upper part and along the waist lines then covered the chiffon.
Put scraps of chiffon, mulberry silk, merino wool over the upper part.

Done the rolling and light rubbing. The agitation made wool felt with chiffon to form the special textures and the waist lines "attached". I cut the neckline then the top is made. Basically no needle is required to make a top like this.

I used the same crinkle chiffon with merino wool to do a "rope" around the waist.

Close up of texture

Front and back look.

I like to do apparels for all ages. I need a young look to enhance my piece. My daugter just got married. Yesterday when she's back from honeymoon I grasped her to show it.

Nuno felt is a wonderful thing. The texture is what I want to make. This shawl goes well with my gown on daughter's wedding.

My marvelous piece ! Am I boasting ......?!

Linking with HappyHourProjects

Linking with Finecraftsguide
Linking with CreativePrincess

Linking with CowGirl Up party

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wool felt pouch of cotton tree 紅棉盛放的手機套

It's getting warm. Cotton tree Commen Bomhax in town or suburb are blooming. Love the strong trunk and the bright red flowers on the branches. I made a wool felt iPhone pouch with the drawing of the flower. 「 紅棉盛放, 天氣暖洋洋, 英姿勃發堪景仰.... 」 記得羅文這歌曲嗎? 木棉花很有堅強剛毅的意思, 香港市區及郊外的紅棉開得很燦爛, 我也做了一個手機套畫上紅棉. Flowers are so firm and persistent. That's symbol of resilient.
I did it with wet felt. Materials are merino wool. I found using a template of foam is much better than a bubble wrap.

Steps of making - laid the wool on the foam template and enclosed it, then rolled and rubbed. Then put the flowers on and used the massage roller rolled over the flowers. The back side is another pattern . After some times back and forth rolling and rubbing. Finished look.

The back is my initial.

Using wool for painting is my practice. Still have to do more to make delicate look.

A set of pouch - one for iPhone, one for the ear piece.
Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Eco print tote bag I made 伴我萬哩同行百寶袋

Over the Easter weekend I made the tote bag with my eco print silk fabrics. Isn't it a nice set with nuno felt scarf? Leaves prints with Eucalyptus cinerea are always my favour as they give very bold and pretty red.

我鍾情於這特別品種的桉樹Eucalyptus cinerea, 做過不少實驗, 在復活節假期為自己製作一個百寶袋伴我萬哩飛行. See lots of my experiments. Some are dyed with rust iron and onion skins.

Thanks for CC who gave me the pink fabric which is strong and thick enough. I find it's good to make a tote bag with my silk eco print.

I made it from bottom to top. The base is sturdy with double-layer. Finished with lining and inner pockets.

I love eco prints. So natural and subtle. People do not know eco print may not like such marks. Particularly this one with black marks of rusted iron effect. They may find them dirts or stains.

I made it more functional, with inner pockets - for pens ..... for mobile.....for journal.... for folders.....What's more? To carry my iPad for my travels.

Mogi, "anybody watching me ?"

Mogi, "has mum bought me some snacks?"
Curious Mogi !

This tote bag I intended to make for my thousand miles travel...... from here Hong Kong, the Pacific to the North Alantic Portugal central highland for the residential felting week then to the UK to meet friends. So excited to join the workshop of Clasheen by Nicola Brown and meeting the artists in June !!!

六月初我將會去葡萄牙中部高地跟隨Clasheen by Nicola Brown 的羊毛工作坊及後去英國訪友聚舊. 從此岸太平洋到北大西洋, 這個手提袋伴我同行萬哩.....

Linking with HappyHourProject

Linking with Katherine's Corner
Linking with CreativePrincess