

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A step forward 終於做到似似地

I've been trying to do wool felt picture a prettier look but have no idea.
Renata Felt of Lithuania is an expert. I wish to learn from her but schedule doesn't suit. She has the Etsy PDF tutorial.for a wool felt bag making with poppies painting skills. I ordered from her the file last Friday.
我好想做羊毛氈的花畫生動鮮明些, 但總是做不來, 很想跟一位大師Renata Felt 學藝, 但時間未許, 她的手袋花畫簡直是水彩畫一般細緻漂亮, 最近她在Etsy tutorial .pdf 教做一個罌粟花畫的手袋技巧, USD 31.5 = HK$250 ,不便宜啊, 一個file 祗教一個手袋的做法, 心想HK$250一本書都買到啦 ! 猶豫了好幾天, 我還是買了這個祗有幾頁的 file, 因為我再找不到有其他門路參考, 再者, 我們政府退稅喎, 我這個月又會收到服務了 "N"年的獎金, 正好要 pamper 啦, 買自己鍾意的最好不過. 今日就去工作室做實習, 哎喲, 忘記帶印好的file 依指示做, 唯有靠閱讀幾次後在腦海的記憶做吧, 還好, 花畫及手袋handle做法學到技巧 , 須不大完美, 已有進步, 仍要努力改進.
Tutorial suggested to do the bag in day 1 and other for the poppies painting. I was so anxious to try and went to my studio yesterday but forgot to bring the instruction printout. Just made a mini size from my reading memory. The instruction is clear to follow and I got the skills to make the tough handle and poppies. I did one side with poppies, the back side of the word "Mooi" - means "pretty" in Dutch. (Just wish it's pretty" !)
I used to do poppies so dull as above pictures. I followed Renata's instruction, now seems I've a step forward. I'm happy to learn how to do the handles - it's fun and tricky.

"Mooi" - when spirit is high, seeing everything is "mooi". This bag is not perfect. I know how to do it better, I will practise more. So delighted, I can make it now.
This small purse will be used for keeping my phone, key and badge when I go for a walk after lunch in office.
I love poppies. Love the crimson, love the petals, love the feel of France........

I like to paint poppies.
Even I can't do well ceramic painting, I find it easy to illustrate with a few dots.

After the whole morning I finally made the bag. Time out.
Ya, this is my cup of tea.......


  1. Beautiful purse Terrie! You are so talented!

  2. It's beautiful! Reminds me of paintings by Monet. :)

  3. The little bag is precious, cute and cuddly! I would take it to bed and hug it while I sleep. And the poppies are my favorite flowers ever :))

  4. Terri as talented as you are with your crafting in felt I am sure that you will master those sweet little purses in no time. How lovely they are and I am sure you will be making yours just as beautiful. I have never tried felting but I am no stranger to it. Once I had a wool sweater and I washed it in hot water by mistake, ha ha ha , it became very fuzzy and a lot smaller than what it was at the start. That my friend was my only experience with felting, lol
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. Terrie, this is STUNNING!
    Absolutely beautiful, you did an amazing job.

  6. I like your work and how to show it

  7. Your poppies bag is absolutely gorgeous, Terrie. You are an amazing artist. I'm following you on Linky too now.

  8. Oh Terrie, you left such a nice comment for me! I just LOVE this purse. I can see improvement in this project. The poppies do look more 3 dimensional, so beautiful! You've inspired me to get out my yarn again. I've so much to catch up on. You've been so creative lately. I will be back soon to see all your projects that you're sharing. Your tea cup is adorable. Hope you are having a lovely day!

  9. An inspiring and beautiful little bag, the poppies look so pretty.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Visiting from Cowgirl Up.

  11. Thank you ladies for your sweet words. Will pursuit to do prettier.

  12. Beautiful! The purse is like art work that you can take with you. Thanks for linking up to "Cowgirl Up!". Hope you'll be back next week too.
    :) Samantha @ Crafty Texas Girls

  13. Thank you so much for stopping by, Terry.
    I'm so happy you gave me the opportunity to see your lovely blog.
    You're so talented!
    And your little bag is so very mooi :)
    I'm following you now!

  14. You have made a beautiful bag Terrie, your poppies are gorgeous!
    Deborah x

  15. Gorgeous bag!
    Wish you a plesant weekend!

  16. Those are very pretty images to go along with your beautiful bags Terrie. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Terrie--It's fantastic!! I can't believe how beautiful it is on your first try...
    and only one reading of the instructions, too!
    (Although, I have to admit that I prefer your wildly bright and stylized poppies from the cuddling cat piece!!) :)

  18. oh I love these bags, so cute.The puppies are amazing.And the little cats.
    I'm missing so many of your posts.Time to catch up!!!!I hope you are well.

  19. Oh Terrie! It's beautiful! I can't believe that was your first try!

  20. Hello,

    such a fine detailed work. The bag is fantastic and looks with the picture in the background it looks really as a part from it.

    Regards Senna

  21. I agree, it's perfect at the first try, Renata must be proud, it shows both how well written the tutorial is as well as your felting skills.
