

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crimson shawl 被著緋紅

Our company held the annual dinner in the Disneyland Hotel last Fri. Dress code was red or blue. A month ago I made the nuno felt shawl to meet the theme.

為了設合公司周年晚宴的主題"紅/ 藍"服飾, 我早前特地做了這件緋紅色的nuno felt被肩.
I used chiffon as the base and laid the merino wool, mulberry silk and crinkle chiffon as flower. Done by wet felt skill.

After all the "rock n roll", here's the piece.

Close up of texture.

I'm not sure if it looks "vulgar"?!我對這紅色有點猶疑, 好像有些"娘". I intended to go with a jean for the annual dinner. It's normally aceptable on Friday night.

本想襯牛仔褲, 可能好一點.

With colleagues in Disnelyland before dinner.

Well before the event I was informed I'll be awarded for long service and invited to be on stage. I changed mind to go with a skirt.

後來我知道要上台接受長期服務獎, 所以改了穿上裙子, 被在肩上.

Wondering if the look with this scarf and leather jacket was bulging.

如果圍以頸巾又穿上皮外套, 看似"擁腫".

I left the scarf out when I was on the stage. 我還是棄掉圍巾, 就此上台.

We're among the colleagues receiving long service awards. 我們這些服務經年的同事大合照. More than 800 staff members joined the dinner. All were in high spirit for the talent show.

超過800多名員工為天才表演同事打氣, 熱情高漲. Can't imagine I've been with the company for ages.... How many years? 35 years! My days were happy and crimson.
Anticipate to retire anythime and to pursuit my interest.

Life is contented. Can't complain.

Linking with LadyBirdIn
Linking with Katherine's Hop Linky party

Linking with Creative Princess

時光苒荏, 日子飛揚而去, 不覺間在公司已服務35年, 可能你已算算手指, 哈哈... 我預備隨時要退休了, 到時我可有更多空間任我"為所欲為".


  1. Beautiful, so delicate and ethereal.

  2. The scarf is beautiful! It looks great with all those outfits. Congratulations on your 35 years of service! (you don't look old enough to have 35 years at one company!)

  3. oh such an honor,you look so beautiful.
    Your creation is just amazing, oh my gosh I love it so much.

  4. Very nice color and texture of the scarf ant also drapes great. You did look great :)

  5. My goodness Terri, I can't believe you've been with the company for 35 years, you don't look 35!!! Love the nuno shawl, hope to see you in Portugal!

    1. Thanks Nicola. Looking forward to learn from you in Portgal!

  6. wow congrarts for so many years of service!! such a pity you left the scarf ... looked wonderfull :)

  7. Your shawl is a lovely creation. Just think of all the time you'll have to create when you retire!

  8. Terrie, your shawl is lovely. It looks beautiful with either jeans or a skirt. Congratulations on 35 years with your company. You do not even look 35.
    When you retire you will have all kinds of time to create.

  9. Terrie--What a wonderful celebration!! Congratulations on many productive years.
    Soon, you will have time to travel the world, teaching feltmaking!
    I love your shawl, too! XXO-

    1. Oh Heather, you're polling my leg, I'm not up to scratch to travel the world to teach. but travel to learn feltmaking is my aspiration - hope to learn from you too.

  10. You look stunning in your beautiful shawl, and many congratulations for so many good years with your place of work.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  11. How can you be anywhere near retirement? You look so young!
    The shawl is gorgeous. How about i bake you many many cakes in jars and you make me a shawl in return? :-)

    1. Jutta, you're sweet! If we're neighbours that would be VERY good for our swaps !
      Love from Hong Kong

  12. Love your work, Terrie~~~ I would also like to do nuno felting, but I find it's hard to find silk chiffon, gauze, etc in Hong Kong. Can you recommend where you buy them? Thanks a lot :)

    1. Thanks HoneyBee. Are you from HK? Glad if you're here. You can source from Shamshuipo. You may email me for more details. terrieakwong@gmail.com

  13. It's beautiful, and it looked fantastic with the skirt and jacket. Not too bulgy or anything.:)

  14. Very versatile scarf, with dress of jeans its great. I came from Katherine's Corner to give you a wink. I'm enjoying your blog and wont stop, now continue to do the hop!! Now that we met come follow me, on my..... GFC....Oh! My Heartsie
    @Oh! My Heartsie

    1. Thank you Karren. I'm also following your Linky. Keep posted on you too.

  15. Absolutely love your shawl Terrie, and I think it looked beautiful with your leather jacket and skirt - not bulgy at all.

  16. This piece is so beautiful and looks great with both jeans or a skirt! Congratulations on your service award :)

  17. Congratulations, Terrie. You looked perfect in your outfit. The shawl is gorgeous. Such a stunning color, so pretty on you.

  18. Oh congratulations Terri, i agree with all of the above in that you dont look old enough to have been there for all those years. Your shawl is gorgeous and as i was reading i was hoping you were going to leave it on lol at least you know it will look great even with your jeans. Awesome work :)
