

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wool coated bottle 穿著羊毛衣的瓶子

Whenever I've time I'd love to do something special on friend's special occasion. Just made two wool felt bottles for IL and FY on their birthdays in Feb. This is my new trial of wool felt crafts.
Bottles with wool patterns of flowers and house. Covers are also of wool just made a set. They're washable.
These are wool, so soft and colorful. Technique to make it is with water, soap, light pressure and kind of LOVE.
Round sides of the bottle - house and trees.
These are tulips. This is a small bottle I first tried. Good as a hanging vase.
To make it I first have to do some pre-felt and cut the shapes.
I like the bottle shapes of jam and have kept some after consumption.
This small Brand's chicken essence bottle is also good to do with.
Finally I made the bottles and with my home made
cashew - gifts for my friends.

I'm linked to Debbie Doo's Newbie party. It's fun.

Also linked to Judy's Winter Blues Wednesday .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Facelift of a rack 舊木架翻新

Inspired by Milka, Erika, Debbie and other bloggies, I've done my bit help protect the earth. Weeks ago my neighbor disposed an used wooden rack for whoever's take- away. I took it and put in my yard for plants. It's wood color that I don't like much and decided to have a facelift.
鄰居把舊木架放置門外讓有心人取用, 我拿回家擺在平台作花架, 但又不大愛原木色, 於是加點心思, 為環保出點力又可有點攪作, 於是把架子做一次簡單翻新.
This is the finished look. I love it. 我愛這完成後的樣子.
This original wood color with liquar is not easily covered with new paint.
Though I used sand paper to polish before putting new paint. I gave up and just used the leftover of my wall paint. I put on 3-4 layers, that's fine.

The top indeed was amended but still safe enough. I wanted to have something to hide the joint and make it nicer.
My ceramic tutor CC of Pottery Stall was so nice to give me a lovely decoupage napkin paper. I put it on with Mod Podge glue and finished with it all over the rack. Here's the remake. I put it in my holiday studio flat as a book shelf.

Should I put it beside the TV cabinet ?

Or put it on the other side? Well, it seems right here and matches the wall color and the wall I painted .

After I stumbled into Milka's blog of hallway, I found her way of making the wall is great. So lovely with birds and tree. It's a good reference if I've other chance of changing my wall.
Winter Blues Wed. Party by Judy http://diybydesign.blogspot.com/2011/02/winter-blues-wednesday-its-party-4.html
Also linking to Shabbychiccottage

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Paid off "Bags of Debts" - shoulder off. 還清一袋子的債

My friends lifted my spirits. When they see my own made fabric bags they said they're unique and love it (is it true ?). They just elated me a lot and drove me to make a few more. I promised myself to give them. Now is spring and blossom blooming. Bags should be colorful and light. I made a few for my loved ones. Just paid off my "bags of debts" . 我的摯愛讚賞我的手作布袋 (真的?), 太過獎了, 使我飄飄然. 驅使我做多幾個. 春夏天百花競艷, 鳥語花香. 好, 就以花鳥做袋子吧, 剛好完成送出, 還了"幾袋子債". 希望他們喜愛. A shoulder bag for my sister. I painted the owl with acrylic then sewed on the flap. All made with reusuable curtain fabric. The bamboo-shape button is from my used coat.

This bag is for pretty lady Lor. She has a cat Oscar like my Mogi. We've common topics. You'll see Mogi on the bottom.
A tote bag for my aunt's teenage girl. She can carry it to school.

These are the samples of curtain my mother gave me. I made
use of every single piece.

I first cut the shapes of birds and owl, then sewed them and colored them with acrylic paints. This paint is good on fabric. After dried it's washable.

I like to make bags with lining and some inner pockets.

I also like to make it as functional as possible. This strap of the shoulder bag is detachable, the owl pocket can hold a mobile phone. There are a few outer pockets, the side ones can be pen holders. The bag can be used for toiletries on travels.

The bag is good for young-at-heart . In a summer day it's cool !
Oh, my Mogi's too big. He wants to slip away.
Thanks for stopping by.
The 4th Newbie from Debbie Doo. Her blog is great and love to share.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Flowers I grown for you friends 送給你滿室花香

This is Hyacinths (風信子), I love the fragrance. Two weeks ago I bought this "multi- bud" Hyacinths for the Chinese New Year. I've never seen this root flower more than one single root, it has 9 buds! They're blooming.

Bloggies, thank you for stopping by. We're in spring now. I sent you these flowers and hope you also feel our warmth and house of fragrance.

I made this e-card particularly for Melinda, my bloggie in CA. Her birthday falls on Feb 20. Happy Birthday !!
Last year she stumbled upon my blog and found my wool felt brooches then ordered a few pieces. I was so glad as I've never thought of on-line business. She was my first client and now friends.The day I bought the buds and put them in my own made ceramic pots.

Two days later they're already blooming.

Just made these ceramic pots. They're hand-built and high fired. I don't like them at first sight. Now just love the raw and rough texture. Seeing the flowers blooming in my own made pots, I'm loving them....
My photography is not that good. I admire Debbie Doo, Shirley and others. They're brilliant. All their photos are stunning.
Nice weekend!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Honor from a master 一份名家給予的喜悅

~~~I'm also linking to Debbie Doo's Newbie Party, It's fun to join. ~~~
I was so surprised to receive a heavy pack after work. When I opened it, it's a painter's collection ! A master in Provence - Dragan Dragic ! I was so honor to have received the collection of a renowned painter.
下班回家, 打開郵件, 喜出望外, 原來是法國朋友 Brigitte 寄來的一本重量級畫集, 那是普羅旺斯著名畫家 Dragan Dragic 的畫集, 還有他的親筆提字及簽名, 實在榮幸之至.
I received the book from Brigitte, my French friend in Provence. In 2008 summer Heidi and I visited Brigitte and Jean. Jean was holding a painting exhibition in Savoillans with other prominent painters Kubala and Fournier. Dragan Dragic was guest. We were introduced. After the exhibition we were honoured to pay a visit to Dragic's studio to view his paintings. He's a marvellous impression painter and have held numerous worldwide exhibitions.
Dragic 是法國著名印象派大師, 2008年與Heidi 旅遊探訪Brigitte 及出席Jean 的晝展, 很榮幸認識 Dragic, 並獲 Dragic 邀請我們到他的畫室參觀, 他很熱情的介紹他的繪畫意念及巡迴畫展所見所聞, 我們還有幸收到他過往畫展的概覽紀念.
He gave us some leftlets of his exhibitions.
On the collection book, Dragic wrote " To Terriea, an artist.... The best of myself -- Friendship". Too good to be true, I'm only a humble handicrafter. Really my great honour to have this book with the master's autograph !

He also sketched the Mount Ventour where he lives .

These are some extracts of the collection. All are master pieces.

This is village of Mount Ventour where the painter lives.

Heidi and I attended Jean's exhibition.

Beautiful lavender field just around the area of Dragic's house.

Lunch in Jean's son Pierre's cottage. Our happy moments in France are always

Monday, February 7, 2011

2nd Newbie Party by Debbie

Thanks for Debbie Doos' 2nd Newbie party. It's fun to join. My blog is to share what's I'm doing in Hong Kong. I cover my work, hiking, cycling, travelling, crafts ideas .... what's more.... my naughty cats are worth to mention.
"Hey Mum, what's up? I'm hungry. Can't wait for my breakfast."
"See, it's already 9am, Mum's too lazy still in bed."

Whenever there's some "blocks", Tiger likes step up.
He doesn't aware the stream of the cooker !

"Hi, I'm the Champion !" Yesterday when I was doing my sewing, I put the sewing kit on the bench, he immediately stepped up.
"Well, it doesn't ring my bell"

Though I'm slim, Tiger's still too sturdy for we both sitting together.
"Mum, you occupied my seat."

"Thank you for stopping by. Hope you'll come back to see us."
Until next time.

Please join Debbie Doos Newbie party, it's great to spread out.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Another New Year Gathering 好熱鬧的又一年

We're now celebrating the Chinese New Year,. According to our Zodiac this is the Year of the Rabbit .

Month before the city is filled with atmosphere, all in red. Narcissus (水仙) is typical flower for the New Year. I love the fragrance of it and Tiger Lily (火百合) is also my favor. I bought the Hyacinch (風信子) and put them in my own made ceramic pots. It takes some more days to have all blooming.

The second day of the year is our traditional family reunion gathering. This year is my turn to hold the dinner. A 3- generation get together. We'd BBQ in the open yard and some orders from restaurant. Time flies, babies are now little angels. Love to see Hay-hay is so healthy and sweet. She's a warrior of liver transport from her Dad some months ago. Great Dad and Gorgeous ! My daughter is in the process of preparation of her next step of life. Sweet Jasmine and Dave !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Extended Stylist Award and 7 things about myself

I'm so glad that Milka extended me the Stylish Blogger Award. She's just being kind. I'm new to blogland and would like to share with others and learn from each other about crafts, travels and living. I stumbled upon Milka's blog. I'm impressive with her greenery blog, the grand house planting, her knowlege of planting and ideas of decoration and taste of living. I immediately wanted to follow her.

With this award, the following applies:

Post linking back to the person that gave you the award.
Share 7 random things about yourself.
Award 15 recently discovered bloggers
Drop them a note, and tell them about it!

Well, 7 things about myself :

1. I'm a Chinese living in Hong Kong and working in corporate communications field.
2. I love crafts and adore handmade stuff.
3. Ready in mind to make 2 more fabric bags for friends.
4. Addicted to wool felt making and offer tutorial sometimes.
5. Hope to learn nuno felt dresses, If schedule permits I may go to overseas to learn it.
6. Have a business meeting in Kuala Lumpur in early March. Want to explore the city
by chance.
7. With spring around I want to do some hiking and cycling.

Below are wonderful blogs I'd like to extend the awards ...

1. Cozy Homemaking
2. Debbiedoos' blogging and blabbing
3. diegoagogo
4. Getting Started
5. lil fish studios
6. MzTasty's Kitchen
7. Roses, Rhubarb, and Pearls
8. Sandee's Ramblins
9. Sensory Felteds
10. Annielizabeth's heart to heart
11. Erika... with a K
12. Forget-Me-Not
13. Vilt a la Kim
14. Sexxy Wife
15. Flower Power

Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice week ahead !