

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Honor from a master 一份名家給予的喜悅

~~~I'm also linking to Debbie Doo's Newbie Party, It's fun to join. ~~~
I was so surprised to receive a heavy pack after work. When I opened it, it's a painter's collection ! A master in Provence - Dragan Dragic ! I was so honor to have received the collection of a renowned painter.
下班回家, 打開郵件, 喜出望外, 原來是法國朋友 Brigitte 寄來的一本重量級畫集, 那是普羅旺斯著名畫家 Dragan Dragic 的畫集, 還有他的親筆提字及簽名, 實在榮幸之至.
I received the book from Brigitte, my French friend in Provence. In 2008 summer Heidi and I visited Brigitte and Jean. Jean was holding a painting exhibition in Savoillans with other prominent painters Kubala and Fournier. Dragan Dragic was guest. We were introduced. After the exhibition we were honoured to pay a visit to Dragic's studio to view his paintings. He's a marvellous impression painter and have held numerous worldwide exhibitions.
Dragic 是法國著名印象派大師, 2008年與Heidi 旅遊探訪Brigitte 及出席Jean 的晝展, 很榮幸認識 Dragic, 並獲 Dragic 邀請我們到他的畫室參觀, 他很熱情的介紹他的繪畫意念及巡迴畫展所見所聞, 我們還有幸收到他過往畫展的概覽紀念.
He gave us some leftlets of his exhibitions.
On the collection book, Dragic wrote " To Terriea, an artist.... The best of myself -- Friendship". Too good to be true, I'm only a humble handicrafter. Really my great honour to have this book with the master's autograph !

He also sketched the Mount Ventour where he lives .

These are some extracts of the collection. All are master pieces.

This is village of Mount Ventour where the painter lives.

Heidi and I attended Jean's exhibition.

Beautiful lavender field just around the area of Dragic's house.

Lunch in Jean's son Pierre's cottage. Our happy moments in France are always


  1. France looks wonderful!!~ Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Hi there,
    Thanks for stopping by over on my blog.
    When I go to France I stay quite close to Mont Ventoux and have been to the top many times, but we stay on the other side of the mountain, not near where your painter lives. Have you been to Vaison la Romaine. It's a lovely little town near by with lots of artists' studios.
    Love Kathy xxx

  3. What a wonderful keepsake. I love the pictures of France, especially the lavender.

  4. Thanks Debbie, Shirley and Kathy. Yes, I've also been to Vaison la Romaine, the museum and the open market where the ceramic artists just shown the many wonderful pieces. Really Provence is such a gorgeous region we'll ever want to see again.

  5. Happy Valentines day! XO thanks for joining in.

  6. Hello! Thanks so much for stopping in at my blog and for your sweet comments!

    I love your photos!!

