

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wool coated bottle 穿著羊毛衣的瓶子

Whenever I've time I'd love to do something special on friend's special occasion. Just made two wool felt bottles for IL and FY on their birthdays in Feb. This is my new trial of wool felt crafts.
Bottles with wool patterns of flowers and house. Covers are also of wool just made a set. They're washable.
These are wool, so soft and colorful. Technique to make it is with water, soap, light pressure and kind of LOVE.
Round sides of the bottle - house and trees.
These are tulips. This is a small bottle I first tried. Good as a hanging vase.
To make it I first have to do some pre-felt and cut the shapes.
I like the bottle shapes of jam and have kept some after consumption.
This small Brand's chicken essence bottle is also good to do with.
Finally I made the bottles and with my home made
cashew - gifts for my friends.

I'm linked to Debbie Doo's Newbie party. It's fun.

Also linked to Judy's Winter Blues Wednesday .


  1. I love them! I like how you make felting 3D, not just flat. Must add to my list of crafts to try!

  2. That is really neat Terrie....such lovely colors too! Have a great day!

  3. What a wonderful idea special gifts. You are forever coming up with fun ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Looks so difficult to make even with only the coat but you have houses and tulips! Wow.

  5. Thank you all for your sweet words. Wool is such versatile media.

  6. Gorgeous work! Love it!
    I'm here from Debbie's blog, and I'm also your newest follower!

  7. Thanks Terrie for your sweet comment.

  8. How cool! I just found your blog and am now your newest follower. Come check me out if you get a chance. Noplacelikehomeally.blogspot.com

  9. Hi Terrie!
    I LOVE the wool containers. Very creative!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower.
    Your newest follower~

  10. Wow, those are some very cool containers. I just love them. Thanks so much for sharing on the Winter Blues Wednesday link party. Hope to see you again next week.

  11. I love 'em!!! They turned out so nice. I just got another book on felting and I can't wait to try it. But that won't be until we sell our house.

  12. Oh my goodness!! These are absolutely wonderful!!! Just beautiful :)
