

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Felting workshop I gave

Have planned long for a workshop for friends of our pottery studio. Thanks for Choi Chi for lending us the studio. We made it happen today for a felting workshop. Sunday this afternoon, a group of ten joined the workshop. Most are new to this kind of wool crafts but they're talented and learnt fast. I first shown them to make a brooch, then a soap and followed by a pouch. See the colorful works they've done. All delighted to see the outcome and satisfied with the works done. Choi Chi was so kind to treat us cheese cake after workshop. We're packed with lovely and colorful stuff home. I'm so happy to offer this first class after learning the skills from UK.
期待已久想與朋友分享羊毛氈這奇妙手工藝, 謝謝缸瓦鋪蔡芷老師借出工作室, 今日我們十人開開心心的制作, 各人很有創意, 很有天份, 一個下午便制作了七彩繽紛的襟花, 皂包及手機套.

Capture the works Mates joined the workshops

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Tiger's gorgeous. Why not make something with our loved one ? Idea of using his hair come up since fond of felting. I comb his hair every other day. With only a small amount like a cotton ball, I mixed his hair with merino wool and do the same steps of wet felting. I usually make a pre-felted cat outline then stitch on the object. Shown friends my stuffs made with Tiger's hair. Some found it weird, some found it a good idea. It's pretty good indeed. I love it. Sandy has four cats, among two are long hair. She loves my idea and I commissioned to make something with her ChinChin and Popeye. Here created a vessel, a jewelry box and a bracelet. Put a LED lamp inside the vessel is another look. 羊毛可以做的工藝, 可愛的貓貓毛毛都可以做到哩 !

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trip to Fujian Tulou 福建土樓

Just back from a 5-day trip to Xiamen and Fujian. Arrived Xiamen on 21 Feb with Alicia by flight from HK. City of Xiamen is clean and traffic network is quite well. Our main focus were seeing Gulanyu 鼓浪嶼 and Fujian Tulou 福建土樓 . From down town to Tianluokeng Tulou cluster 田螺坑土樓群
is about 3.5 hours coach ride, so we stayed overnight for a leisure tour.

Tulou wording means "earthen building". In 2008 UNESCO granted Fujian Hakka Tulous "World Heritage". Some tulous are more than 700 years old, They are retangular or circular with communal living and defensive organisation. Origins were living by clans. Some tulous even have rooms up to 300.

Surrounding is scenic with typical villages, bridge over creek and people washing by the river. Culture and life of people sounds peaceful and contented.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New try LED lamp

Today I tried to put a LED light inside my felted boxes and vessels. Effect looks good. Find it a very romantic and colorful home decoration. When moved out the light, the box can just be a treasure box 好一個月光寶盒.

My Cat Tiger

Tiger is lazy. Everywhere is his own place. He sits and sleeps wherever he loves.

"Hey, I'm the Champion!!"
"Oh, no no, boy, mind the steam when it's cooking !!!"

Tiger's gorgeous and he's the focus of our life. He calls us up in the morning....... Meo meo.....alright, he just wants to eat.

My book of Tiger 貓貓喵噢第一年