

Friday, March 5, 2010

New try LED lamp

Today I tried to put a LED light inside my felted boxes and vessels. Effect looks good. Find it a very romantic and colorful home decoration. When moved out the light, the box can just be a treasure box 好一個月光寶盒.


  1. Wow! I bet this is so awesome at night!! I love the blues in the piece!

  2. Wow! I bet this is so awesome at night!! I love the blues in the piece!

  3. Thanks Brenda. The blue one indeed the brighter and I love it too.

  4. Dear Terrie, how's your Tigar?
    Your blue LED light jewellary box is so pretty, may I also know what's the blue Led light with heart on your photo? I couldn't find it on your page! I love it very much. I always browse into your new photos to see when you post on your facebook!

  5. Cythia, Tiger is absolutely naughty,i.e. lovely! Sorry I've no idea which one (LED light w. heart) you referred to. You may see this http://www.flickr.com/photos/40765196@N05/sets/72157622931999657/ and let me know.
