

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Felting workshop I gave

Have planned long for a workshop for friends of our pottery studio. Thanks for Choi Chi for lending us the studio. We made it happen today for a felting workshop. Sunday this afternoon, a group of ten joined the workshop. Most are new to this kind of wool crafts but they're talented and learnt fast. I first shown them to make a brooch, then a soap and followed by a pouch. See the colorful works they've done. All delighted to see the outcome and satisfied with the works done. Choi Chi was so kind to treat us cheese cake after workshop. We're packed with lovely and colorful stuff home. I'm so happy to offer this first class after learning the skills from UK.
期待已久想與朋友分享羊毛氈這奇妙手工藝, 謝謝缸瓦鋪蔡芷老師借出工作室, 今日我們十人開開心心的制作, 各人很有創意, 很有天份, 一個下午便制作了七彩繽紛的襟花, 皂包及手機套.

Capture the works Mates joined the workshops


  1. It is always nice to have a class with enthousiastic people, isn't it? Well done!!

  2. Thanks Kim. It's my first time to offer training. If I've the chance to learn from you would be good ! I fond of felting and searched internet last Nov and learnt it from UK.

  3. Looks like you all had so much fun, congratulations on your first workshop and hope you have many more to come :))
