

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Creation inspired by biking 創作騎行路

Just done a piece of botanical printing with plants gathered on biking. The day I went alone to the New Territories to explore biking route I came across a farmland managed by religious organisation (Amazingland). People there were so warm and nice. They invited me to join their assembly and introduced me how their farm running and I interacted with them what I am doing with plants. With their nice permission I picked a few leaves for my experiment. 
Video of the day my solo riding in country side.
 Free as the birds in Tolo Harbour.
Passing by a theme park in Fung Yuen (鳳園). Though I didn't enter I can still view it from afar.
Alpacas are rare in Hong Kong. So lovely seeing them in a close distance.

The village Fung Yuen  with historic shrines.

Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve entrance but due to Covic-19 it's temporarily closed.
On my way further to Tai Hang. The area encompasses  walled villages.
The original entrance remains still exist..
The villagers were mainly the members of the Man (文)clan. I stayed a while in the park then heading to next village.
A lane leading to Lam Chuen.
Bridge over a stream
Then along the twisted narrow path......
In a farmland entrance I was invited by kind people to join their assembly.
After half an hour with nice people and a tour around the farm I left with plants they allowed me to pick.
Arriving Lam Chuen river (林村)
Through the tunnel 

It's getting dark. I hurry to return the rent bike and home with plants for experiments.
With the Lemmon marigolds, lemon grasses and the wild guava leaves I got from the farm.

Added a few plants from my homegrown.
Plus onion skins
Layout completed
After an hour boiling, the outcome ......
Oxalis has no colour but discharge is my expected effect of flying " butterflies" and lemon grasses formed strokes.
Guava and eucalyptus 
Little yellow flower of lemon marigold and the leaves are yellow too.
I made a tote bag with the printout.
Seems Mogi appreciates it.
Comparison of Before & After
I made It a hanging or as table runner is fine.

Also a tote bag. I'm happy with the tone of alum mordant so that soft yellow tone achieved
Guava leaf is a good source for eco printing. Combine with onion skins and eucalyptus forms nice pattern.
Thanks for the people of Amazingland who made me a happy stay in their village and a nice printing experiment.


  1. 很高興看到你的作品,我開始學植物染運用在皮革上,可是似乎選錯了皮,顏色都無法顯現出來,可以請問是哪個步驟出錯?還是我選錯了皮革?
