

Monday, December 28, 2020

Bright botanical imprints workshop 金黃耀目植物印染工作坊

 Year 2020 is closing and it's my last fibre art workshop. What's best to show off what I am doing is wearing something of my own creation.  The eco printed face mask and nuno felted scarf are my daily wearable must. 
The name of the studio is "Gaap Jyut Bing" something looks like ABC.  Simple and easy to remember.  This is where the workshop took place.
Display and entrance are kind of reminiscence. 
今日是年終最後一堂的植物印染教學,工作室名字「甲乙丙」予人親切易記如 ABC、123,門面懷舊擺設,內裏寬敞裝潢別緻,學員半天笑談弄枝葉,製作了獨特鋪陳的純絲圍巾。

A group of four included pairs of parent-kid made the eco printed scarfs in four hours in the spacious studio.
 This is a special workshop for the group of whom I knew in the biking team.
Year 2020 is a difficult year since COVID-19 outbreak and almost all activities called off. Schools have to close for zoom teaching and many people have to work from home. A few family members joined my regular biking team and we're getting quite well with the kids since early this year.  One of the team members, KC is the owner of the studio and invited me to offer a session of eco printing workshop.

A bunch of flowers from my rural neighbour after riding and that's what I usually gathered after biking.
Video of the fun played in the studio.
It's parent-kid interaction, kids are very imaginative and talented.
 Less is more.
 After layout on the fabric and bundled boiling for 1.5 hours.
Here came the outcome.
Looks like a flying bird.
Yellow from onion skins and leaves of lemon marigold as well ferns.
Just stokes of casaurina and lemon marigold flowers.
Simple and clear.

Prints of both sides of leaves.
Onion skins printout looks like a flying pigeon.

Printout of leaves tended yellowish as silk fabric mordant in alum.
The rich golden yellowish looks like autumn windfalls.
 A piece of rich printout with ferns, onion skins, assorted eucalyptus, passion fruit leaves, casaurina and rose leaves.


Each group find their unique printings.

Thanks for the studio host Florence's yummy Earl grey tea chiffon cake.
Me and Mogi loving it.

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