

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Eco prints from own wear to exhibits 從身上遊走至展覽的植物印染

 Honored to have my works exhibited in town. Thought the exhibits represent what I'm doing these years.  I work from wool felting to natural eco printing with different media, such as wool, silk, cellulose to leather.
有幸參與 [市建局] 之 [市建掇美] 文化藝術展覽活動, 展覽於中環中心地下層H6 CONET,為期一個月, 當中有畫作, 攝影,陶藝等百多項展品, 每件作品有著創作人內心世界的演繹, 我的三項創作 - 羊毛、絲料及皮革的天然植物印染都是源於大自然的景物及植物.
近期醉心於皮革植物印染, 日前在新界友人花園採摘花卉烙印在小片羊皮上, 剪裁成輕便小腰包, 輕鬆的上路......走在鬧市中環. 仰望天際......火紅鳳凰木 ! 
 The exhibition "URA's Got Talent" is a cultural event organised by Urban Renewal Authority (URA).  The month long exhibition being held in The Centre, H6 CONET in financial centre of Hong Kong

 Today, the second day of opening I have a glimse in the venue.  Shortly will have a second  visit to view in detail.

 There are lots of exhibits incl. paintings, photographs, ceramic works, collections..... all artistic artworks.  You may feel the pulses of artists' inner world.

 If you like to listen to my pulse of creation......This is a piece of eco printing with eucalyptus on wool flannel with scenery inspiration from my last visit to Tuscany, Italy.

The set of nuno felt dress and leather printed purse were done with the plants gathered on my cycling in the rural.

Almost every time I passed by my neighour's farm I asked for plants .

Then immediately played with magic!  
This was just done on leather.  See the "before & after" of plants layout.  How amazing the imprints.  Bold, sharp and clear.
"Facelift" of  plants imprinted on leather
With Mogi's good company I sewed a bumbag purse with the printed leather.
Inner pocket of same leather prints.
Be it a waist or shoulder bumbag, it's a light and roomy leather purse with own natural botanical imprints made from scratch to finish.   Thank you for those clients who have bought my ETSY instant download pdf tutorial of leather imprints.   You may try my way of working with a bit of fabric mordant technique. You can print this as well.
 Friends know me well I carry own creation almost every day as I've done quite some sample prints and turned into wearable or practical stuff.
Right after sewing, my hubby took a pic of me then ......
 I was wandering in our financial centre, the Central, Hong Kong to view the exhibits...
Looks carefree, however Hong Kong is in critical situation.
Wondering when will we have a bright sky?


  1. Congratulations Terriea on the exhibition, your work looks awesome. Love the Tuscany inspiration

  2. Congratulations on your exhibition. Your work is exquisite. The photos of everything are lovely.

  3. Congratulations on the exhibition. Hoping for some sunshine, too!
