

Friday, June 7, 2019

Natural printing creation on the bike 騎行上的天然印染

These days I'm really into natural botanical prints on leather.  Know it may be a controversial topic of printing on leather as some kinds of leather treatments are quite polluted.  I bought scraps from shops.  The leather scraps are going to be discarded so prices are cheap.  Rather than making more waste dump I hope to save some pieces by turning into functional.  That's why I keep on experimenting prints on leather recently.  I didn't learn from others the techniques or asked anyone the tricks.  I just view from internet some shared posts.  I tried to figure out my own way of making.  I ruined some and saved some.  I can say that this bag I printed and sewed is the best of my work so far.  It's sturdy and bold prints.  Most plants were picked on biking. 
近日多作皮革植物印染, 不同的皮類厚薄有不一樣的效果, 我沒有正統學習植物印染於皮革上,祗自行鑽研,可能我的技巧是笨笨的, 時而失敗, 我想自己做到簡單有變化有自己風格就是了, 有時網絡上別人想跟我學習這印染, 恕我仍在實驗中未能掌握, 拙作仍須改良.
That day after biking I was home with handful of assorted plants for the experiments

 Petals, willow and oxalis
 One of the pieces printed with grape leaves and cosmo
 Detailed flower prints
This piece is with logwood and madder background just to bring out shades
 Actually it's not a successful print.  Quite hard after steaming for 45 min. in high heat
 Tried next for this thinner leather.  It's soft in lower heating.

Both sides of the leather purse
 A set of leather bag and purse

One is sturdy, one is soft.

Two sides of the bag of all leather, bottom and handles 
Lined with inner pocket with zipper.  I'm pleased with the making. 
Enjoy the making with company of Mogi ~.~