

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Good match leather prints 找到了我的皮革天然印染

 A good find, really perfect match I found finally.
I tried many times natural printing on leather, this is the best lamb skin I've ever sourced.  Last week when I passed by a street stall I found the very soft lamb skin, good price, good quality and so soft after steaming.
最近終於找到很好的羊仔皮做天然植物印染, 也是終日沈醉的研究, 踏車時撿拾或朋友給予的花花草草共冶爐, 烙印著天然的植物色素, 製作了好幾個包包, 自己都滿意, 有點愛不釋手呢.
The size is the whole piece of a small lamb.
 I'm really into leather prints.  These days I have been doing with assorted plants particularly love the flower prints.  I like to print on the down size (not the smooth surface) as outcome looks much better. 
Photos below speak themselves........
 Cosmos printed from yellow to red
Gerbera and nandina
 Lemmon marigold, willow and cosmo
 Hibiscus I love most, delicate and vivid.
Hibiscus tiliaceus


 Sometimes I use flowers of home grown or from friends' garden.
 Sometimes I pick windfalls while biking
This is purple but prints no colour yet shape is pretty.

Today I went biking with the lambskin prints for shooting.  It's soft as a towel.
 I've made a few pouches with the swatches.

I'm crazy now!  Almost every day doing experiments after I found the good material.  Fun to play and share.