

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Biking creation 創作騎行路

Biking and creation are related to me.  Yes, my outdoor activities are always connected with nature and inspiration.
  A day out riding on the routes I usually do hiking with a team but today I went with a biking group on Lantau Island.   
我的戶外活動總離不開大自然與創作, 是日與友騎行大嶼山石門甲 , 那行徑我往日袛遠足而上, 騎著單車遊走山腰溪澗別有樂趣, 尾段自行在灣頭穿遊撿拾落花, 滿手回家又一片花印.
I rented the bike from Sunny Bike Shop 
 Started my way to meet the group at the station.......
Six of us heading to the rural where we usually do hiking but with a bike on the slope is easy.
They're the core members of the team.
The trail leading to Lantau Peak, the second highest mountain in Hong Kong.

 We just explored at the hill foot...
then a visit to the Tung Chung Fort
Fort with heritage building on the island
With the group we ended riding and swimming in the stream

Before returning the bike to the shop I went on my own to see more after rain......
The ancient trail lined with plantation and stunning views.....
How can I resist the flowers ...... on the ground...

 blue skies now..... riding under the eucalyptus with a pleasant fragrance........
 Over there is the airport and cable cars up to the mountain - Lantau Peak
Tung Chung is newly developed from a fishing village to a town in the recent 20 years.  A few old villages and bays are still there.
 Tranquility in the bay ...
but a shame for this virtueless

 time to go....any finds ?

and my way back home with lots to do....
 some hibiscus tiliaceus, lagerstroemia speciosa and the windfalls of eucalyptus on wool flannel.....
Prints on the fabric after an hour steaming


  1. I think I would like Lantau Island very much. I know there are some artists there who teach about indigo dying. It looks like you had a very pleasant day ending with a swim. I love the colour hibiscus flowers which you picked and are using on your fabrics. It is a pity though that no matter where you go in the world people leave litter and make a mess of the natural landscape.

    1. You've a good memory. Lantau Island is very impressive for me too. I've done indigo there a year before. Still good to share with you....http://terriekwong.blogspot.com/2017/07/indigo-dyes-for-projects.html

  2. 你一天的遊记太丰富,猜不到你們在炎夏,可享受一次游泳。令人太驚喜,印花的製成品,超美!

  3. A lovely trip, with so much to see!

    1. Our suburb and outlying islands are exceptional stunning.

  4. Looks like a great place to visit. And the print of course is beautiful.

    1. So you see our Hong Kong greenery other than high rises.
