

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Experiments with new plants 新品種植物印染實驗

This is the new plants I found recently and impressed with the outcome. Really into it and can't help doing more and more.....
With the bundle opened for table setting I'm quite pleased with the recent work.

This is how I came across such plants......
Last week I passed by a house with lots of flowers and chatted with the owner Ms F.  She's so nice to let me into her garden to view her organic produces and beautiful flowers. 
I spied the bright yellow flowers, family of Tagetes tenuifolia. I told her that I'm doing research with plants for natural prints. She's so nice to let me pick as much as I like and gave me some others plants as well aloe vera and lantern peppers.

With handful ediable and printable stuff home can't wait to do the experiments.
Here's the first.....
 Composition of plants on fabric........
I was expecting prints with yellow flowers and green leaves.

But.... outcome was all yellowish even the leaves. 
This is mirror prints on silk and viscose both with alum and iron mordant respectively.
Not too bad as it yells pigments of bold prints.

 For the following experiments I decided to do different mordants of alum, iron and tannin on silk, linen and viscose for the testing.

Leaves and petals prints on viscose with iron mordant are bold.
Background of grey is effect of iron and tannin.

Yellow leaves and flowers is effect of alum mordant silk

 I also used some of my home plants such as geranium on iron mordant viscose.
It's bold grey I like.
Ferns and bauhinia are not good prints but
no harm for the combination of shades and shapes on viscose.
 After the many testings I tended to keep clear background with simple alum and iron mordants - my basic motto.
Lots of panels made of the same plant ! 
I've to ask myself what to do with them. 
Just wrap with Mogi in the late spring days?
I love the flowers and the leaves so much. Have to dig out the proper name of the plants. Here are the images how they look like before printing.
 The tiny red flowers prints purple only with iron mordant.
The Artemisia vulgaris (crown daisy唐蒿) prints nice yellow.
 Layout of "before & after". Mirror prints of iron mordant viscose and alum mordant silk.
Onion skins are never wrong on natural printing.

Assorted ferns and flowers with iron and tannin mordant to make background grey.
 I love this part the most - "less is more" - clean and clear.
"Behave Mogi ! "
 He wanted to grasp a piece of the buckwheat bread I made. 
My healthy breakfast, "bird in the nest" with green pepper from Ms F, slices of avocado and brewed coffee.....what's more?

followed by dessert of aloe vera in honey with ginger and white fungus. 
Thought to do more about this prints but first to make use of the panels

 This is part of the outfit just made
Will show more after shots.  Stay tuned for the details.
Just to close it.... but the brat on my lap. 
He's so attached yet a good companion anyway.


  1. There are some really very distinctive prints there - so many opportunities for new ideas!

  2. Please kindly info me..where to buy tannin?

    1. There’re a lot suppliers on line. You may search “maiwa” that’s the one based in Canada I used to order from.

  3. Todo es hermoso los AMOOOOOOOOOOO
