

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Souvenirs for workshop 工作坊紀念品

I'll be away for teaching natural printing and wool felting in Taiwan in the coming days.  That will be workshops with like-minded friends for another level of creation . A trip brimming with passion is anticipated as some of the students we've met years before. 
The journal I made for this trip will be filled with friendship and ideas after the workshop.
為這兩周在臺灣的教學做了些紀念品, 從Irit Dulman 給我她自己印製的小布片做的小本子 , 而至我為學生們用羊毛氈印上桉樹葉的包扎繩子。小本子是我要記錄教學點滴, 繩子則用作材料結扎用。一切準備就緒, 期待與海峽對岸的朋友們再聚......
Last year Irit Dulman gave me a swatch of pretty eucalyptus buds prints she made on silk jersey.
 I tried to source the same fabric and made use the swatch memorable then covered the  journal with it.
After binding I cut around a natural flower print from my other swatch and stitched on the inside cover.

 An art journal with a few blank and printed pages ........

flapping in my hand........
....... pages waiting to be filled with words of memories
That will be the souvenir of my journey in Taiwan.

I wanted to make something a touch of sincerity for my students.  I felted some gift strings with prints of eucalyptus leaves.
Strings boiled for an hour.......
Unwrapped with aroma of eucalyptus

Dried quickly
A gift string to tie the materials pack with handmade welcome card

Not long I'll be in Taiwan for the teaching.  I will miss my hiking and biking team members.  Wish I could do biking in Taiwan after the teaching. During the two weeks I will be absent  from blog as my iPhone or iPad do not support the blogspot version. Readers may follow my Facebook or until next time.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. hi Terri, I have missed you! I have been away from blogging for a year but I am back with a new blog, the name of my blog is almost the same,, I see you are still creating master piece works, I want you to know I still use the book mark you sent me! Best wishes from Canada!

    1. Hi Laurie, I miss you too. Glad to hear from you. I will read your blog shortly for the updates. Stay well.
