

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Good Workshops

This is "love bug" Shanti, keeps me company these days day and night.
此間小狗早晚相隨, 優美環境,旭日牀前初昇,學生製作之時,信步海邊馬兒策騎,一嚐坐姿。

One of the few big pieces students done in the workshop.

Can't wish more with a brilliant day to start the workshop with stunning view

Sunrise telling me a good day is in order. On the eco printing days students made lots and lots pretty unique prints after my demo. Here are some of the pieces.

Students made the large pieces will also do nuno felt projects with them. Wearable pieces made from scratch to finish will be done these days.
Students in the mid of workshop 

While we're doing works in the studio, just steps away seaside people riding horse. What heavenly!!!
Let me have a ride!


  1. Beautiful works by your students. What a treat for them to have you there. Have you ever been on a horse before? You look comfortable up there ;-)

    1. Truly heavenly workshop in the stunning place and my first time on the horse back.

  2. What wonderful fabrics! Well done to your students!

  3. your students must be very happy with their creations...well dne to them! A question please....the purple coloured fabric....was that dyed purple at the same time or was that done previously...& with what was it dyed. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Students are happy to learn the cochineal dye and prints. That was what they're expected.
