

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

DIY tunic dress with natural prints 植物印染襯裙

 The natural printed and dyed tunic dress I made last weekend. I want to give it to a very special friend Amy W. whom we know since we're 12. A cherished friendship for me.
That night with the simple cutting  and sewing I made it with Mogi's company.

I bought the silk fabric for sampling  before applying for big projects.  With the composition of Lagerstroemia speciosa and own planted Cosmos, bundle boiled for an hour.

It works well. The big rolls of fabrics will be for upcoming workshop overseas and the samples are just fine for my creation.

Another piece I printed with the leaves trimmed by a gardener in a park.  I don't know the proper name.
Two panels front and back and the sides dyed in light tumeric to match the yellow tone.  That's the complete dress with draping folds.
 A simple tunic dress is made
Wish my good friend likes this dress I made for her.

 My friend Amy W. is a nice supporter to my works and we're going to a farm studio for indigo dye tomorrow. The backdrop behind Mogi is a silk dyed in indigo last year in Spain. I'm really into that sort of dyes with natural prints learnt in Irit Dulman's workshop. Hope to learn locally to explore more.


  1. There is always so much more to explore, isn't there!

    1. There're plants there're trials for me. Mother Nature is inspiration.

  2. Terriea this tunic is so beautiful!!! Your friend is really lucky... :-)

  3. What a great Print! Very very nice and a fantastic gift!

  4. Did you treat the silk with anything before you applied the leaves & flowers? And did you boil this in plain water? The results are beautiful!

    1. Yes fabric was pre-mordant in alum and boiled in plain water.
