

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Warm with blooming flowers and creation inspired 春暖花開 - 遊走山水間之創作

Our town is blooming with the red cotton flowers that implies we're into warm days.
春暖花開,城中紅棉燦爛 。昨天踏單車路經木棉樹下,紅彤彤的花朶滿地,撿拾回家,一同與木棉樹葉及野花印在布料上,烙印布料上明顯的非花朶色調。實驗結果葉子比花兒出色,此謂花兒雖美仍要綠葉扶持。

Just found the red carpet on my way to biking.  Such lovely heart-shaped flowers ! 
Following the leader we biked along the route with villages down by the coast.

Tranquil with backdrop of the new town and undulating mountains

After hours biking I back to the train station.  Just can't resist to collect some flowers for my experiment. 
Not to disturb the busy butterfly 
 Picked a few cotton flowers, leaves and the wild daisies.

Composition of the good finds on cochinael mordant silk.  Boiled for 1.5 hours then opened.

 Flowers are not impressive as expected but leaves are fine and wild flowers are good as resist.

A piece of silk with natural contact prints just done. The experiment shows bold prints are not from flowers but the leaves.  Bounty from nature is not always flowers dominated.

Out of expectation is always the leaves in my experience of natural printing.

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