

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Inspired natural prints garment making 田野創意植物染

Floating leaves in a breezy winter day...... A light silk outfit is just fine.   Yup, intended placement of plants on the bottom is the theme of this garment.
一件植物印染的製作花了數十小時方能完成, 每一件的製作過程都有靈感來源和故事. 就如這件絲料印上的葉子取自新界塱原農夫剪棄地上的番石榴葉及一撮烏桕加上課堂剩餘的桉樹葉及針松, 簡約鋪排印上. 
The prints with the leaves collected in a morning walk and already made into an outfit. The main leaves used are guava and chinese tallow with eucalyptus and pine needles.

  I do hiking almost every Friday.  This is the north mountain in between Hong Kong and China. View is splendid from China on the left to the right Hong Kong.
 Up on the top of Hong Kong region we saw the lowland then we went down and crossed the field. That's the first time I went with our hiking team.  I almost felt in love with the tranquil wetland.
 Again and again I went there in different times to view the paddies color change.  Many foreign friends have the instinct Hong Kong is only of high rises. I told them vibrant Hong Kong still has greenery in a stone throw away.  
That day I woke up at 6 am to catch the train to the north in order to have nice shots of the paddies.  The birds were earlier than me in the pond.

Rice paddies in full harvest while lilies are gone.

 That's the view I wanted to see in the morning beam

 Farmer's good harvest after hard work
Paddies into straw......

   another nice view 

In noon I still wanted to see more thus rent a bike along the river and into the village 

 Back to the field and picked the guava leaves trimmed by farmer

 Wetland in the dusk and time back home

 The chinese tallow are good for prints.  Can't resist for a go.

 Back home with the little leaves I immediately made the prints on raw silk
The "before & after" of the leaves placement

 I made the prints for an outfit with placement in mind. Two front pieces, one back and two sleeves.  All took me lots of time for the bundling, boiling, ironing, sewing......
 I'm too impatient and already sewed the outfit.  Next will be details of the prints and making.
Stay tuned.
Linking with diybydesign party


  1. How gorgeous to see blue skies and sunshine from the grey and rainy northern hemisphere - and how quickly you've got it printed and made up!

    1. Hi Rachel, we've sunny and warm Dec. Lots sunshine over to you.

  2. Piękny płaszcz.
    Jak widać u Ciebie pogoda zupełnie na odwrót.
    Pewnie nie obchodzisz Bożego Narodzenia, jednak życzę Ci wszystkiego najlepszego.

    1. Thank you. We do have Christmas celebration and very atmospheric. Wish you a festive holiday.
