

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nature inspired creation - ecoprinting fabric 天然植物印染靈感

My recent works mostly are with some flower prints. Whenever I go hiking I would like to gather some fallen flowers for experiment. This knit silk jersey was made into a reversible Nuno felt dress after natural printing. Last hiking in Sai Kung was inspiring with the stunning views. Back home and I created a few pieces of prints.  Pictures below speak themselves.........

The day was brilliant to start our hiking from the water front......

Views of Ma On Shan and Tai Po in the further distance after an hour hiking
Creek with running water after heavy rains
After up and down then the easy coastal walk with the mountain view - the "Saddle Hill"
Tranquil bay with fishing boats 漁排小島、藍天白雲.........

Stop under the shade of papaya leaves to have a closer look of Saddle Hill.
The fallen camellia just good for my experiment. 野山茶花滿地, 正好的印染材料.

Below are the images of "Before & After"  植物鋪陳經個多小時加熱後的比較

I love the prints on silk jersey as it's so soft. This is the dress made with nuno felt skill I love most, soft color and airy feel.
以花卉做的印染我比較喜愛這款很柔和的效果,因此以羊毛混纖技巧做了這件雙面穿著的裙子, 很輕柔的質感.