

Friday, June 3, 2016

"Au Revoir" France and my great friends 再見我的法國摯愛

Maya, your blue eyes killing me. You're cool. On the first day I arrived your house you ignored me but your charming blue eyed host Helene and Brigitte are so warm with me
Maya,你攝人的藍眼睛可不易親近,而你的藍眼睛主人 Helene 與友 Brigitte 在我一星期的造訪逗留熱情招待,我深感榮幸, 你總愛待在陽臺晒太陽對望街道,因為這法國南部的天氣明朗怡人,你的好客主人帶我𣈱遊小鎭、村莊、湖邊海邊,一星期中我們品嚐各種美酒,暢談歡聚, 玩玩手工,話別有時,今日離去再往巴塞隆拿-此行歐遊中轉站,待一天踏上歸途,又是我回到 Mogi 的時候了。

The house view is good with morning beams. Maya likes sitting in the balcony watching the lane.

Every Tue there's local market of produce in Helene's village Sijean.

Everyday we've nice chat over drinks and snacks in her cozy house. 

In day time Helene's so nice to show us around her region stunning views. 
One evening we managed to do wool felting. I like to share the versatility of wool with friends. We made the simple wool  felted rings and Nuno felted brooches with the indigo dyed scrap just done in Spain.

In an hour they made pretty handful rings and flowers.

So sweet Helene and Brigitte made a chocolate cake to pre celebrate my birthday.

How thoughtful they are!

In a windy morning we went to feel the strong wind and a 7km trail walk on an island with a pick of rosemary.

Today, last glimpse to her nearby lakeside. It's another brilliant day with breeze.

We walked in the olive groove .....

Time to say goodbye to my wonderful friends. We have a sumptuous lunch in a decent restaurant in Perpignan before off to Barcelona.
Cod, duck breast and snails in typical local cooking served with their house wine.

I was honoured to visit the restaurant's own cellar.
They sent me to the train station. In 1.5 hours I arrived Barcelona, a hub of my Europe trip.

Au Revoir my friends in France and you, cool Maya. For one more day in Barcelona then will be heading home to see my Mogi.


  1. Mogi will b happy, indeed! Thanks for the lovely pix...Glad you had such a great trip to France after the great Spain adventure..and one more dy in Barcelona to go..enjoy..

    1. That's a fantastic trip with fruitful mind and ideas for my next creation. Thank you for travelling with my spirit Ginny.

  2. Beautiful memories to cherish forever.

  3. So lovely to be able to visit France and enjoy your craft as well. Safe trip back home, Terri!

    1. Thank you Agy. The trip was truly marvellous with good views and good friends.
