

Friday, May 20, 2016

Days in Spain 2 西班牙之旅

What am I doing these days? Well, a group of us from Israel, Agentina, Germany, Belgium U.K., Brazil, USA, Russian, Spain....all together making our dreams coming true. This is the village Alzana in the north of Spain. We will be learning from the masters Irit Dulman and Revital Avidar for making textiles into garments. We immerse in the tranquil village in the mountain. Cool in the morning I grasped to walk around listening to the birds singing and the cows meowing with bells.
老遠跑到西班牙山區就是我們十多位來自不同地區的的纎維藝術創作人的追求夢想,這幾天沉醉於寧靜環境中學習時而走上山頭採植物,聽鳥鳴及牛群吃草頸上牛鈴聲,在這氛圍中追隨兩位來自以色列的植物印染與時裝設計師 ,我們的夢想一一實現.........

The washed stones with blooming flowers in the early summer
The house where we are staying and learning just like a castle, spacious and fine decorated.
As this is a textile creation workshop with natural resources, we went to collect weeds and plants around for own use.

After teacher's explanation and sample showed, we started experiments........
From indigo dye to colourful prints.......
Opened my bundle and inspected by master Irit

Samples done for next project

My pieces of different techniques
I love the clear prints with dark background

While doing the natural prints we're designing our patterns for the garments to make with own printed fabrics.

Teacher's samples are just gorgeous. I have in mind what to make but still have lots to learn. It's just in the mid of the class, I'm so excited for all the new techniques learnt and the people around are so nice.  Such a great ambiance of learning and relaxing. More to come........


  1. A wonderfully inspiring few days, it seems - looking forward to hearing more!

  2. oh my gosh what an experience this is,, it truly is an amazing place, whats being created is beautiful, thank you for showing us this wonderful adventure,

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog post. I know that you're all having a fabulous time together. Wish I were there with all of you.

    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you Dawn. You know how wonderful Irit is and how we enjoyed. Fabulous yet to come. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I realy love to see all those pictures. And i will have a workshop with Irit in september in Belgium hurray hurray..... I have a question for you. On the altest pictures on facebook you wear a lovely blouse without sleeves, did you amde the pattern Yourself? In september we dônt have time to make a garment but we will prepare the afbric to make a garment at home. So i am desperately looking for a pattern that is not so difficult! And because i am also a slim woman i thought, maybe Terriea can help , maybe you can tell me where you buy the patterns for your garments'
    Thanks an advance

    1. We are and you will definitely find Irit's class wonderful. I'm lazy and not good in measurement and cutting. Most are just made 'randomly' or loose cutting. Which one you referred to so that I can show you how I made it. Always like to share.
